Page 76 - Defence Wing Booklet
P. 76

Stage-VII: Public Hearing

 8.   As per the ASCM, the IA may schedule a Public Hearing based upon the request made by the Interested
 Parties. Normally in all cases the GOI request IA for participation in the Public Hearing at the time of
 submission of Case Brief or as per the schedule. IA may call all interested parties for the Public Hearing.

 S.                                Approving
 Actions  Timelines  Documents to be required             Remarks
 No.                                Authority

 (i)  A  decision  on  participation  in  TDW  :  2-days  from   AS&DA/
 Public Hearing through EOI or  receiving  communication   JS(TDW)
 deputing ofcials from TDW is  from the IAs.
 taken  after  considering  the

 (a)  Whether  the  IA  has  acted
 contrary to the provisions of

 (b)  W h e t h e r   I A   h a s   n o t
 considered  the  GOI's
 submissions/legal arguments
 in its Preliminary ndings.
 (c)  Specic  request  of  the
 stakeholders, where capital
 based  participation  is

 (ii)  Hearing  Note  for  EOI  to  Ÿ  Legal  Counsel  :  7-  DD (TDW)
 participate  in  the  Public   d a y s   b e f o r e   t h e
 Hearing.  scheduled  public

 (iii)  Scrutiny by the TDW.  Ÿ  TDW : 2-days from the   DD (TDW)
 receiving  the  draft
 note  from  the  Legal

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