Page 84 - Defence Wing Booklet
P. 84


            Operating Procedures for handling Safeguard

            Duty Investigations against exports from India

            1.   Safeguard Measures are dened as “emergency actions with respect to
                 increased  imports  of  particular  products,  where  such  imports  have
                 caused or threaten to cause serious injury to the importing members
                 Domestic Industry”. Article 2 of Agreement on Safeguard sets forth the
                 conditions  under  which  safeguard  measures  may  be  applied.  These
                 conditions are:
                 (i)   Increased imports and
                 (ii)  Serious injury or threat thereof caused by such increased imports.

            2.   The TDW is the nodal point for all the safeguard investigations initiated
                 against exports originating from India. The Safeguard investigations are
                 generally concluded within 9-months' time frame and the IAs are very
                 particular  on  an  early  conclusion  of  these  measures.  Hence,  the
                 extension in ling of submission is generally not considered.

            3.   The  followings  are  the  broad  stages  of  the  Safeguard  investigations
                 conducted by the IA against our exports:
                 (i)   Pre- Initiation Notice: Based upon the Petition received from its
                       domestic industry or taking a suo-moto cognizance, the IA issues a
                       Notice  intimating  the  receipt  of  Petition  for  Initiating  Safeguard
                       investigation. This notice is generally shared by IA with our EOI.

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