Page 86 - Defence Wing Booklet
P. 86

Stage 2: Notice for Initiation of Safeguard Investigation

            5.   The Notice of Initiation by IA is sent to the EOI. The EOI forwards the same
                 to TDW. After receiving the Notice of Initiation, TDW takes following
                 a)    TDW initiates the process for hiring of Legal Counsel as per the
                       rotation policy being followed in TDW.

                 b)    The  petition  along  with  the  relevant  documents  are  sent  to  the
                       (i)  Concerned Ministries of GOI,
                       (ii)  Territorial Division, D/o Commerce,
                       (iii)  Concerned EPCs,
                       (iv)  Commodity Division, D/o Commerce,
                       (v)  Legal Counsel hired for this investigation.

                 c)    The concerned Territorial Division, D/o Commerce provides the
                       details  of  the  Trade  Agreements  signed  with  the  investigating
                       country  and  request  for  excluding  exports  from  India  from  the
                       investigation keeping in view the bilateral trade relations.
                 d)    The Legal Counsel hired for this investigation prepares comments
                       on the basis of inputs received from the Departments at 5 (b) above.

                 e)    The  TDW  organizes  a  meeting  with  all  the  Stakeholders  for
                       discussing the common strategy.

                 f)    After deciding the common strategy the Legal Counsel prepares the
                       draft response for GOI.

                 g)    The TDW examines the draft response and sends to TPD for vetting.
                 h)    After nalization of response, approval is obtained from Nodal
                       ofcer for TDW i.e. JS (TDW) or AS &DA, and the response is sent to
                       the EOI for ling before the IAs.

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