Page 272 - MANUAL OF SOP
P. 272
Manual of OP for Trade Remedy Investigations
8 H Performance Parameters of Domestic Industry
9 I PCN wise summarised Statement of Expenses
10 J Related Party Transactions
11 K Calculation of Capital Employed
12 L Calculation of claimed NIP
9.6.6. It may be clarified here that the company can furnish details/clarifications in
furtherance of the application already submitted to enable the proper processing.
However, the DI cannot be allowed to revise the application in such a way that it will
structurally alter the original application on which the initiation is based, as it will
render the initiation invalid. The team is allowed, within its lawful mandate, to seek
clarifications/ details from the applicant(s) during the course of the investigation but
it should do so in writing as has been clearly instructed by the DG. No oral request
should be made for seeking information.
9.6.7. A brief description of all Formats, regarding their significance with respect
to examination, verification,and extraction of relevant data,is given below for the
better understanding of the investigators:
9.6.8. Format-A (Statement of Consumption of Raw Materials, Packing
Materials and Utilities): It shows the total quantity and value of each major
raw material, packing material,utilities consumed in the production of PUC. It also
indicates per unit consumption of all major raw materials/packing materials/utilities
during the injury period along with weighted average rates of consumption during
the IIP. The major points to be noted here are:
(a) The opening stock/closing stock shall be shown as “Zero” or “Nil”, wherever
there is no stock;
(b) Opening and Closing Stock of raw materials ideally should also include the
quantity and value of work-in-progress stock lying on shop floor. However,
this information is sometimes not available with the DI especially when POI
is different from the normal financial/ accounting year of the company.
Therefore, there may be no alternative but to ignore the same based on
assumptions that (i) quantity/amount involved may not be high; or (ii) there
may not be substantial difference between opening stock and closing stock
lying at production floor;