Page 273 - MANUAL OF SOP
P. 273

Determination of Non Injurious Price

              (c)    The total value of actual consumption of raw material and utilities for PUC
                     during POI and injury period as shown here should reconcile with the total
                     raw material/ utility consumption in Format-C for PUC;

              (d)    Purchase rates of related party procurements should be confirmed based
                     on arm’s length pricing. These rates may be compared with rates of same
                     products procured from non-related parties. The comments of the Statutory
                     Auditors and requirements of Indian Accounting Standard-18 should be
                     seen from the Audited Annual Accounts regarding the arm’s length pricing;
              (e)    Records of relevant related companies/parties should also be seen to confirm
                     that the purchase price of items purchased from such related parties during
                     POI is comparable to the corresponding sale price charged by the said
                     Related Parties from the non-related customers during the said period. In
                     the case of utilities, the sale price is generally published and is reflected on
                     the web site also. The comments of the Statutory Auditors are to be seen
                     from the Audited Annual Accounts regarding the arm’s length pricing of the
                     related party transactions, which are furnished by the applicant in Format-J.

              (f)    If the similar item is purchased from a related party as well as non-related
                     party, the corresponding rates must be compared to understand the
                     variations, if any in the rates. Similarly, if the inputs are captively consumed
                     as well as purchased from non-related parties, the rates must be compared
                     to arrive at the reasonability of the prices charged for captive consumption.

              (g)    The per unit rates of captive consumption of inputs, closing stock and
                     consumption for PUC during the injury period including POI should be
                     compared for the basis of pricing, and in case wide variations are seen, an
                     explanation should be sought.

              (h)    Format-A is also required to be verified from Stores/Material Ledger and
                     Utility Ledger/Register maintained by the company/unit. Some of the
                     purchase invoices of various raw materials/utilities are also required to be
                     collected and compared with the annual weighted average price reflected
                     in Format A to ensure that the weighted average price does not vary widely
                     from the purchase price as per sample invoice. If it varies widely, reasons of
                     such variations may be ascertained.

              (i)    Sometimes, the procurement rates vary widely from day to day or month
                     to month. The monthly consumption rate may need to be worked out in

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