Page 29 - revista final 1 - copia
P. 29
Amairani’s grandparent are Leticia and Juan, they
are fifty-two years old and sixteen years old, and they
live in Jocotitlan; Diego’s grandmother is Rosa, she was
fifty-six years old, she lives in Ixtlahuaca; Karen’s
grandparents are Juan and Angela, they are sixty-
nine and sixty-five years old, they live in Jiquipilco.
Our granparents ate tortilla, tamales, and drank pul-
que, in the parties they ate chicken with mole, rice
and capulines.
They did not have transport, they walked. When they had to travel away they
did by horse or donkey.
They did not go to the doctor, because it was very expensive, they used the
plans for heal.
They did not take a shower everyday day because they had no water, they had
to was their clothes in the creek.
In their free time activities, they played soccer, also they listened to the radio.
The difference between our lifestyle and their lifestyle are: they liked to play but
now we go the cinema and we use the cellphone, now we have medicine, but
they used the plants to recover, and now we
use the car to transport travel us but in the
past they have a walk.
It is important to know about A healthy life
and our granDparents to keep US healthy and
TO know about our roots.