P. 33

•  Students will make a chart of the results that indicate the settings or features that resulted
                       in the longest and straightest performance, as well as any features that helped the
                       skimmer turn reliably.
                   •  Design teams share their test results and observations on their preliminary sail designs.
                       The class looks for patterns in the relationship of sail characteristics, including shape,
                       area, and location on the skimmer, and how these affect the distance the skimmer travels.
                   •   Experiment with making the skimmer more streamlined and use data to choose the shape
                       and size of the skimmer's front and back so that it moves as far as possible with the given
                       air supply.

                   1.  What makes an airplane fly?
                   2.  Does the shape of a wing have anything to do with how much lift it generates?
                   3.  Distinguish between the forces of lift, drag, weight, and thrust that affect an object
                       moving through a fluid. Understand the importance of each force.
                   4.  How does completing the skimmer using the measuring system you are less comfortable
                       with help to improve your skills?

                                            * Decorate skimmers with colored pencils

                                            * Alternate material use cereal boxes

                          •  How to make a Cardboard Skimmer Video
                          •  Building and Launching a Cardboard Skimmer Video

                          •  Create Cardboard Skimmer
                          •  Click the link below to access the skimmer measurements and drawings!
                                                      •  Skimmer Measurements

                       Formative:  Construction of Skimmer Rubric

                       Summative:  Worksheet with Skimmer and time trials

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