P. 35

Unit 3:  Engineering

               Drawing                                                   In this unit, students will be introduced to
                                                                         orthographic and isometric drawings.  Students
                                                                         will be creating their own drawings of objects,

                                                                         as well as creating three dimensional objects
                                                                         based on the drawings.  These skills will be
                                                                         carried over in the next unit, Modeling and

         Engineering drawings must be clear and correct. When engineers fail to accurately communicate their ideas, expensive

         materials can be cut to the wrong size and ruined, systems can be completed improperly and require expensive changes in
         order to be adapted back to the original intent, and structures and machinery can fail, resulting in property damage and

         loss of life. Engineers must also take great lengths to model and test every part of a design before completing the final

         prototype or full size-model. We call this process the engineering design process. By constructing models at a small scale
         and conducting different tests on them, engineers are able to identify where models might fail and decide what changes

         would make the design better. Through the cycle of designing, building models, testing, and re-designing, engineers are
         able to produce final prototypes, drawings and instructions that accurately reflect the intended product.

                                                            Formative Assessments       Summative Assessments

                                                            •3–2–1 Countdown            •Rubric

                                                            •Collect critical information   •Written worksheets/handouts
                                                            about learning progress by   •Performance Task
                                                                                        •Oral Presentations
                                                            providing feedback
                                                            •Check List                 •Application of knowledge
                                                            •Devil’s advocate           through on-going construction
                                                            •Exit/Admit Slips
                                                                                        of projects
                                                            •Four Corners               •Quizzes and exams
                                                            •Game-based learning        •Practical Demonstration
                                                            •Hands on Demonstrations
                                                            •In-class discussions       •Mind map
                                                            •Jigsaw II                  •Individual Work
                                                            •Low-stakes group work
                                                                                        •Small Group Work
                                                            •Observations -Visual       •Large Group Work
                                                            inspection of project build,   •Engineering Notebook
                                                            (creativity, level, activity   •Final Projects
                                                            participation, problem solving   •PBL Check List
                                                            strategies, etc.)
                                                            •One-Minute Paper
                                                            •Poll Everywhere
                                                            •Personal Vignette
                                                            •Strategic Questioning
                                                            •Talk & Walk
                                                            •Three-minute review
                                                            •Three-Step Interview
                                                            •Thumbs Up/Down

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