P. 5
Unit 1: STEM - Science, Technology,
Engineering, & Mathematics
In this unit, students will be introduced to the topic of STEM (Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics). Students will be introduced to what engineers do, different
fields of engineering, and how STEM is important in their everyday lives. They will also be
introduced to the engineering design process which will be used throughout all of their middle
school PLTW classes.
Formative Assessments Summative Assessments
•3–2–1 Countdown •Rubric
•Collect critical information •Written worksheets/handouts
about learning progress by •Performance Task
providing feedback •Oral Presentations
•Check List •Application of knowledge
•Devil’s advocate through on-going construction
•Exit/Admit Slips of projects
•Four Corners •Quizzes and exams
•Game-based learning •Practical Demonstration
•Hands on Demonstrations •Storyboards
•In-class discussions •Mind map
•Jigsaw II •Individual Work
•Low-stakes group work •Small Group Work
•Observations -Visual •Large Group Work
inspection of project build, •Engineering Notebook
(creativity, level, activity •Final Projects
participation, problem solving •PBL Check List
strategies, etc.)
•One-Minute Paper
•Poll Everywhere
•Personal Vignette
•Strategic Questioning
•Talk & Walk
•Three-minute review
•Three-Step Interview
•Thumbs Up/Down