Page 123 - The Chemistry and Fertility of Soils Under Tropical Weeds Book_Neat
P. 123

110   The Chemistry and Fertility of Soils under Tropical Weeds

                           Key Questions

                           1.  What  is  nutrient  cycle?   Explain  it  with  an  example!    What  is  its  urgence  for  the
                              sustainability of soil environment?
                           2.  Explain the C-cycle and its role in the soil environment!  How does this cycle apply to
                              the management of waste and agriculture?
                           3.  Explain the N-cycle and is role in the soil environment!  How does this cycle apply to the
                              management of waste and agriculture?
                           4.  Explain the P-cycle and its role in the soil environment!  How does this cycle apply to
                              the management of waste and agriculture?
                           5.  Explain the S-cycle and its role in the soil environment!  How does this cycle apply to
                              the management of waste and agriculture?
                           6.  Explain the producers, consumers, and decomposers in the nutrient cycle!  Explain how
                              to manage these components efficiently and effectively!
                           7.  What is the role of enzymes in the nutrient cycles? What happen if enzymes are absent
                              in the soil environment?
                           8.  Explain  the  various  producers  of  enzymes  in  the  soil  system!    How  to  increase  the
                              production of enzymes in soils?
                           9.  What is phosphatase?  How does this soil enzyme work on decomposing soil organIc P
                              and releasing inorganic P?
                           10.  What is arylsulfatase?  How does this soil enzyme work on decomposing soil organIc S
                              and releasing inorganic S?
                           11.  What is protease?  How does this soil enzyme work on decomposing soil organIc N and
                              releasing inorganic N?
                           12.  What is Rhizobium sp?  What is the role of this microorganism in the soil system? How
                              does this microorganism relate to the nutrient cycles?
                           13.  Explain the two mechanisms of C increase in soils caused by the presence of weeds!
                              Which one is more dominant?
                           14.  Explain  the  role  of  microorganisms  in  nutrient  cycles  in  the  soil  environment!  Give
                           15.  What  is  ammonification?  Explain  it  with  the  related  chemical  reaction!    Why  this
                              reaction is so important in the soil system?
                           16.  What is nitrification? Explain it with the related chemical reaction!  Why this reaction is
                              so important in the soil system?
                           17.  Nitrification is not always good in the soil system.  Explain!
                           18.  What is urease? What is its important role in the soil environment?  Why its presence in
                              agriculture is unwanted?
                           19.  Why must ureases in agricultural lands be  inhibited?
                           20.  What is the role of urease inhibitors?  Give examples!
                           21.  Why is nitrate not effective if given into in flooded soils like paddy fields?

                           Abdul Kadir Salam and Nanik Sriyani – 2019
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