Page 127 - The Chemistry and Fertility of Soils Under Tropical Weeds Book_Neat
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114   The Chemistry and Fertility of Soils under Tropical Weeds

                           excretion and plant residues are therefore  very important to enhance the soil  K
                           availability.    Infertile  soils  may  have  sufficient  K  if  treated  with  enough  organic

                                 Table 7.1.  Plant nutrient reserves in soil and their releasing mechanisms*.

                                Nutrient                          Releasing       Dissolved
                                             Reserve Forms
                                Elements                         Mechanisms        Forms
                               N          Organic Matters    Decomposition      NH 4 +
                                            +                                      +
                                          NH 4 in Mica and   Dissolution        NH 4
                                          Vermiculite Interlayers
                                          Exchangeable NH 4    Cation Exchange   NH 4
                                                                                 2-  2-
                               S          Organic Matters    Decomposition      S , SO 4
                                          Sulfides (Ex. FeS)   Oxidation        SO 4 2-
                                          Gypsum (CaSO 4 )   Dissolution        SO 4
                               P          Organic Matters    Decomposition      H 2 PO 4 , HPO 4 2-
                                          Al-P, Fe-P, Ca-P   Ligand Exchange    H 2 PO 4 , HPO 4 2-
                                                             Dissolution        H 2 PO 4 , HPO 4 2-
                               K, Ca, Mg   Silicate Minerals (Ex.   Weathering,   K , Ca , Mg
                                          Feldspars)         Dissolution
                                          Carbonates, Sulfates   Dissolution    Ca 2+
                                          Organic Matters    Decomposition      K
                               Fe, Mn, Zn,   Hydroxide Precipitates   Dissolution
                               Cu         Adsorbed by Oxides of   Desorption    Cations and
                                          Fe, Al, and Mn                        Dissolved
                                          Chelates           Dissociation       Chelates
                                          Exchangeable       Ion Exchange
                               B, Mo      Adsorbed by Oxides of   Desorption    H 3 BO 3
                                          Fe and Al and Clay                    MoO 4
                              *Taken from Singer and Munns (1987)

                              The  plant  nutrient  elements  are  released  as  free  ions  into  the  soil  solution
                           through several mechanisms (Table 7.1) controlled by several factors as listed in

                           Abdul Kadir Salam and Nanik Sriyani – 2019
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