Page 130 - The Chemistry and Fertility of Soils Under Tropical Weeds Book_Neat
P. 130

The Chemistry and Fertility of Soils under Tropical Weeds   117

                              There are several forms of K present in the soil environment but not all forms
                           of K in soils are available to plants and are classified into Slowly Available, Slightly
                           Available,  and  Readily  Available.  The  soil  K  in  the  mineral  structure  is  Slowly
                           Available  (Table  7.3).  Those  classified  as  Slowly  Available  (primary  minerals)  is
                           about  100  to  3000  times  greater  than  those  on  the  soil  exchange  sites
                           (Exchangeable K).  Therefore not all K is available and can be absorbed by plant
                           roots.    To  use  this  source,  this  slowly  available  K  must  be  released  from  the
                           structure of the minerals through weathering processes.

                                    Table 7.3.  The forms and availability of K in the soil environment*.

                                     Sources             Classification   Concentration

                                1    Primary Minerals:   Slowly Available   0.1  – 3%
                                        -   K Feldspars                 (20.000 – 60.000 kg ha )
                                        -   Muscovit

                                        -   Glauconit
                                        -   Biotite
                                2    Fixed-K             Slightly Available   0  100 kg ha
                                3    Exchangeable K      Readily Available   200 kg ha
                                                                        (Fertile Soils)
                                4    Dissolved K         Readily Available   1–50 ppm
                                                                        (Soil Solution)
                                                                        (0.4-20  kg ha )
                                    Total varies depending on parent materials and weathering stage
                                    Granitic Soils > Calcareous Soils
                                    Old Soils (Latosol) < Young Soils
                              *Adapted from Corey (1964)

                              The  relationships  between  all  forms  of  soil  K  is  depicted  in  Fig.  7.2.  As
                           explained  previously,  the  primary  minerals  and  organic  matters  are  the  main

                                                          Abdul Kadir Salam and Nanik Sriyani  – 2019
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