Page 134 - The Chemistry and Fertility of Soils Under Tropical Weeds Book_Neat
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The Chemistry and Fertility of Soils under Tropical Weeds   121

                           than  K,  the  weathering  process  will  continue.    This  condition  is  mathematically
                           expressed as follow:

                                  [   ] [      3+ ] ⌈    (    ) 4 ⌉
                           If       >            , the weathering process occurs and continues.  On the
                                        [   ] 4
                                           [     ] [     3+ ] ⌈    (    ) 4 ⌉
                           other hand, if    <            , the weathering process does not occur.
                                                 [   ] 4
                              Using  this  logic,  the  weathering  process  can  be  accelerated  or  inhibited.
                           Considering the chemical weathering in Fig. 7.1, the weathering of orthoclase can
                           be accelerated by:

                                1.  increasing the soil moisture
                                2.  lowering the soil pH
                                3.  decreasing the concentration of K  in soil solution,
                                4.  decreasing the concentration of Al  in soil solution, and/or
                                5.  decreasing the concentration of Si(OH) 4  in soil solution.

                           On  the  other  hand,  if  the  weathering  process  is  to  be  inhibited,  the  following
                           actions can be taken::

                                 1.  decreasing the soil moisture,
                                 2.  increasing the soil pH,
                                 3.  increasing the concentration of K  in soil solution,
                                 4.  increasing the concentration of Al  in soil solution, and/or
                                 5.  increasing the concentration of Si(OH) 4  in soil solution.

                              Salam (2019) suggests that in general this logic is possibly used to manage the
                           chemical  weathering  of  minerals  in  the  soil  environment.    Increasing  the
                           concentrations of reactants may probably increase the rate of chemical weathering
                           in  the  soil  environment;  likewise,  decreasing  the  concentrations  of  reaction
                           products may probably increase the rate of the chemical weathering.  For example,
                           increasing the concentration of H  or decreasing the soil pH is the most interesting.
                           As the reactant in most cases, H  may act as an attacking agent and therefore may
                           accelerate the rate of chemical weathering.  Some research results are summarized
                           as those depicted in Fig. 7.3.
                              The weathering process on soil minerals is initiated by the substitution of Na,
                           K, Ca, and Mg by H  ions in the mineral structure.  In the process, hydrogen ions are
                           consumed and then the structural cations are released into the soil solution.  In the
                                              +                                    +
                           weathering  of  mica,  H   ions  from  the  soil  solution  may  displace  K   in  the  mica
                                                          Abdul Kadir Salam and Nanik Sriyani  – 2019
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