Page 2 - Cover Letter and Evaluation for Chris Parlin
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Later if you begin seeing your doctors more often or require more expensive tests and
               treatments, you could easily upgrade to Plan G or Plan F. Beginning in 2020, Plan F will no
               longer be sold, although people who already have it can keep it. Plan G is similar Plan F except
               that Plan G does not cover the Part B deductible ($183 this year).

               The other way that you may be able to use New York’s guarnteed-issue rule is to keep the same
               plan, e.g., Plan F, but to switch your coverage to another insurance company that has lower
               premiums. The website of the New York Department of Financial Services updates its Medigap
               premiums monthly, and if at some point you find that you can save several hundred dollars a
               year by changing insurance companies, you can do so. For future reference, the website’s
               Medigap premiums can be found at the following link:


               Once you are at this site, you can click on the specific plan that you want (Plan F, etc.) to see
               each company’s current premiums. In the comparisons, I’ve assumed that you’ll get Plan F and
               that your premiums will be $230 a month (or about $2,750 a year). Premiums from CSG
               Actuarial and from the New York Department of Financial Services are in the attachments.

               Rx Drug Coverage

               As you know, when you have a Medigap policy you also need to enroll in a Part D stand-alone
               plan. Most stand-alone plans are national plans that are good in every state, although the
               plans’ costs may differ slightly depending on the state. For the set of prescription drugs that
               you take, the lowest-cost plans are the same in New York, Vermont, and Maryland.

               If you get monthly refills at your local pharmacy, the plan on Medicare’s web site with the
               lowest estimated annual costs in all three states is the Express Scripts Medicare Value Plan. And
               the plan with the lowest estimated costs for mail-order refills is the Envision Rx Plus Plan.

               Whether you get mail-order or retail refills, you will save several hundred dollars next year by
               enrolling in one of these plans, whose phone numbers are shown page 4 of your evaluation.
               You can do this anytime between October 15 and December 7, and your new coverage will go
               into effect on January 1, 2018. In most cases your existing plan (the Humana Enhanced plan)
               will transfer your current prescriptions to your new plan – although if you change refill
               schedules you will need new prescriptions.

               Chris, after you’ve had a chance to review this, please let me know if you have questions.


                                                   David Armes, CFP®
               Attachments and enclosures

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