Page 5 - Cover Letter and Evaluation for Chris Parlin
P. 5

Comparison of costs in New York and Vermont

                                      Medigap Plan F and Rx drug costs in NY   Medigap Plan F and Rx drug costs in
                          Plan name
                                                 zip code 12874                    Vermont zip code 05403

            Rx drug refill schedule       Monthly           Mail Order          Monthly           Mail Order

                         Estimated annual premiums for medical coverage
          lity ratings from Medicare web site (best rating = 5 stars)
              2017 standard Part B

                 premium of $134 a         $1,608             $1,608             $1,608             $1,608

           Estimated Medigap Plan

                        F premiums         $2,750             $2,750             $2,200             $2,200

                              Total        $4,358             $4,358             $3,808             $3,808

                            Minimum costs for Medicare-covered services

            Total medical premiums         $4,358             $4,358             $3,808             $3,808

                           (from above)

             Plan health deductible
            (includes Part B deductible if not   $0             $0                 $0                 $0
                      covered by plan**)

          Annual Rx costs  (premiums,      $1,435             $1,285             $1,393             $1,327
                     deductibles, co-pays)

              Total Minimum Costs
             (includes cost-sharing for the Rx   $5,793       $5,643             $5,201             $5,135
                     drugs you now take)
                                  Cost-sharing for doctors office visits

            In-Network Primary
                Care Co-Pays

           In-Network Specialist         No co-pays for Medicare-covered       No co-pays for Medicare-covered
                   Co-Pays                          services                              services

          *This is 2017 standard Part B premium for new enrollees who are not yet receiving Social Security benefits.
          **Part B deductible in 2017 is $183.

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