Page 27 - Cover Letter and Evaluation for Chris Parlin
P. 27

2017 Medicare Supplement Plans

                                                                                 For People Ages 65 and Older

                              Name                                                      A           B          C         D          F       F HD        G          K          L         M          N

                              Individual Insurance through Insurer

                              Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont Blue                $166.28                $241.80              $243.06

                              TVHP Medigap Blue                                     $135.73                $167.87  $154.14  $168.62                                                           $143.81
                              Individual Insurance Through Agents

                              American Progressive                                  $144.81  $178.77  $266.97  $219.40                                                                         $174.93

                              Continental Life Ins. Co./Aetna                       $114.95  $144.86  $159.94  $146.27                                                                         $119.95

                              First Health Life & Health Ins Co                     $133.50  $163.08                            $194.75             $181.58                                    $143.50
                              Humana Healthy Living                                 $172.35                                     $209.77  $89.28                $130.32                         $172.92

                              Humana Insurance Company                              $152.19  $165.64  $196.69                   $200.71  $62.93                $111.07  $142.25                $139.60
                              Mutual of Omaha                                       $136.28  $251.30  $269.27  $303.75  $307.49  $57.75  $246.94
                              United American Insurance Company                     $126.83  $193.08  $220.67  207.59  $231.67  $41.33                                                         $168.42

                              TVHP Medigap Blue (with commission)                   $169.66                $209.84  $192.68  $210.78                                                           $179.76
                              Group Insurance Through Association

                              Member Plans
                              United Healthcare (AARP)                              $120.75  $184.75  $215.00                   $215.00                         $72.75  $124.75                $146.25
                              USAA                                                   $99.96                                     $174.93                                                        $126.48

                              The rates published are current as of the date of publication.  Unless a different effective date is indicated, rates are effective January 1, 2017.  Since rates are

                              approved on a continuous basis, you should check with the insurer for the most current terms and rates before deciding on a policy.  For companies that write
                              policies through agents or brokers, a portion of the premium may be used by the insurer to pay insurance agent or broker commissions.
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