Page 11 - Cover Letter and Evaluation for Clay Bassett
P. 11

Plans that appear to meet your criteria (cont'd)

                                                                                                AARP Medicare
                          Plan name    Medigap Plan F     Medigap Plan G     Medigap Plan N     Complete Choice
                                                                                               Regional PPO Plan
                 Toll-Free Number            NA                 NA                 NA           (800) 555-5757

                         Estimated annual premiums for medical coverage
          lity ratings from Medicare web site (best rating = 5 stars)
              2018 standard Part B
                 premium of $134 a         $1,608             $1,608             $1,608             $1,608

                 Health plan annual
                 premiums  (Medigap        $3,000             $2,800             $2,250              $337
               premiums are estimates)

                              Total        $4,608             $4,408             $3,858             $1,945

                            Minimum costs for Medicare-covered services

            Total medical premiums         $4,608             $4,408             $3,858             $1,945
                         (from above)

             Plan health deductible
           (includes Part B deductible if    $0                $183               $183                $0
                 not covered by plan**)

             Annual Rx costs, mail-
              order refills (premiums,      $187               $187               $187               $239
                  deductibles, co-pays)

              Total Minimum Costs
           (includes cost-sharing for the   $4,795            $4,778             $4,228             $2,184
                 Rx drugs you now take)
                                  Cost-sharing for doctors office visits
            In-Network Primary

                Care Co-Pays                                                  up to $20 for          $20
                                        No co-pays for     No co-pays for   Medicare-approved
           In-Network Specialist      Medicare-covered  Medicare-covered    doctor's visit; $50
                   Co-Pays                services           services.        for emergency          $45
              Out-of-Network                                                   room visit.      30% of cost PCP;

                   Co-Pays                                                                     $50 for specialist
          *This is the 2018 Part B premium for new enrollees. Higher income people may pay more.
          **Part B deductible in 2018 is $183.

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