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P. 4

Rules for Success                                                                  Slide 4


        A concrete pump operator is one of the most skilled workers on the concrete construc  on job site.  The ability to place concrete
        in a precise and accurate manner plays a vital role in the success of the concrete pour. As a skilled professional, you have a re-
        sponsibility to yourself, your employer and to your coworkers to setup and operate the concrete pump in a safe manner. Here are
        some good rules to follow to aid in your success:
            •   Treat others as you would want to be treated;
            •   Always be on   me; strive to maintain a posi  ve a   tude;
            •   Come to work prepared;
            •   Be accountable;
            •   Address problems with those best qualifi ed to implement a solu  on;
            •   Strive to be knowledgeable and ar  culate;
            •   Present yourself as a successful professional, including being well-groomed with a good a   tude;
            •   Never compromise the safety of yourself or others; and
            •   Model integrity in all your ac  ons.

        Trainer’s Notes:

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