Page 21 - 2015 A2LA AnnualReport
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evidence submitted for review in relation to the   Wyoming                                              agreed to rely on the laboratories’ A2LA assess-
treatment and disposition of special waste from    Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality,         ments in place of SEI evaluations. The agreement
health care-related facilities be provided by a    Water Quality Division (WDEQ/WQD) Leaking            between A2LA and SEI was signed on May 7, 2002.
laboratory that is A2LA-accredited.                Aboveground and Underground Storage Tank             SEI is accredited to ISO/IEC Guide 65: 1996 by the
                                                   (LAUST) Program Policy Number 35 requires that       American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and
City of Houston                                    laboratories performing work for the program         the Standards Council of Canada (SCC).
In Standard General Requirement Section 01454,     must be A2LA accredited under the “Wyoming
the City of Houston specifies that laboratories    LAUST Remediation Program”. The scope of             Bluetooth
testing to the latest issues of ASTM standards,    the program covers specific EPA methods for          A2LA has signed an MOU with the Bluetooth
TxDOT methods or other recognized test standards   laboratories that are registered with the State      Special Interest Group (SIG). Bluetooth has
must be accredited by A2LA.                        of Wyoming and authorized to do business in          established a Qualification Program to test
                                                   Wyoming. To be certified by the LAUST Remedia-       and qualify products using Bluetooth wireless
Harris County, Texas                               tion Program to perform analytical testing related   technology to be certified as Bluetooth compliant
The Harris County Public Infrastructure Depart-    to the program, laboratories must provide            pursuant to the specifications for such Products as
ment, Engineering Division has published its       evidence of their current accreditation from A2LA    determined by Bluetooth. As part of the Qualifi-
“Regulations of Harris County, Texas for the       to the WDEQ/WQD.                                     cation Program and according to the Bluetooth
Approval and Acceptance of Infrastructure”,                                                             Qualification Program Reference Document,
which specifies in Section 2 that laboratories     Automotive Industry                                  the Bluetooth Qualification Review Board
accredited by A2LA in the field of construction    A2LA’s Calibration Accreditation Program has         (BQRB) administers the recognition of facilities
materials testing are acceptable for the purposes  been recognized within TS 16949 (Section 7.6.3)      as Bluetooth Qualification Test Facilities (BQTF’s),
of meeting the published regulations.              as one option that commercial and independent        based on accreditation by A2LA. Laboratories
                                                   calibration facilities serving the automotive        seeking to be recognized under this program in
Port of Houston Authority (POH) (Houston, TX)      industry can select in order to satisfy the portion  the Electrical field of testing must meet
The POH “Contract for Construction Materials       of Clause 4.11.2.b.1 which requires accreditation    the additional program requirements of the
Engineering Testing and Inspection Services”       of calibration facilities serving the automotive     Bluetooth SIG.
requires testing and inspection laboratories that  industry.
perform geotechnical services under this contract                                                       Cellular Telephone and Internet Association (CTIA)
to be accredited by A2LA.                          United States Golf Association                       A2LA is recognized by the Cellular Telephone and
                                                   A2LA’s Putting Green Materials Testing Program       Internet Association (CTIA) to provide laboratory
Arlington County, Virginia                         for soils and turf is formally recognized by the     accreditation services in support of CTIA’s certifi-
Arlington County, Virginia has specified in their  United States Golf Association (USGA).               cation program to verify conformance of wireless
Department of Community Planning, Housing                                                               products to established industry standards.
& Development, Inspection Services Division,       Safety Equipment Institute (SEI)
Pre-Construction Manual (dated May 1, 2012) that   SEI administers third-party certification programs
laboratory facilities must be accredited by an     to test and certify a broad range of safety and
agency such as A2LA and must meet the require-     protective products. Safety and protective
ments of ASTM E329, ASTM D3740 and ASTM C1077      products certified by SEI must periodically
as applicable.                                     undergo compliance testing to specified
                                                   standards at independent testing laboratories
Washington                                         that have been evaluated and awarded
The State of Washington Department of Ecology      contracts by the SEI Board of Directors. In an
references A2LA in its Procedural Manual as an     effort to minimize redundant assessments, SEI has
acceptable third party accreditation program for
non-potable water testing laboratories.

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