Page 26 - 2015 A2LA AnnualReport
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Brenda Jackson, North Carolina Department of       Shawn Mason, Consultant                                  Charles Schaefer, Consultant
  Agriculture and Consumer Services                Dennis McCully, Consultant                               Werner Schaefer, Schaefer Associates
                                                   Amy McGuckian, Pam Beach County Sheriff’s Office         Raymond Schiltz, Jr., E-Matters, Inc.
Frank Jarke, Quality Solutions                     Dawn Mettler, Rockbridge Laboratory Services             Karen Semer, Consultant
Srinivasa Kasturi, Consultant                      Lon Miles, Consultant                                    Jordan Shaw, Eurofins Microbiology Laboratories, Inc.
Paul Keep, Keep Metrology Services                 David Miller, Consultant                                 Richard Sheibley, Consultant
Marc Kelemen, NanoSynopsis, LLC                    Charles Mlodzik, Consultant                              Dan Sigouin, Consultant
Joseph Kellum, Consultant                          John Murphy, Consultant                                  Carlos Silva, Consultant
Jeff Kelly, ICL Calibration Laboratories, Inc.     Benoit Nadeau, Consultant                                Patrice Siravo, Accinctus, LLC
John Kinsella, Kinsella & Kinsella                 Robert Nichol, TUV Rheinland Industrial Solutions, Inc.  Thomas Smith, Virtual Metrology, Inc.
Alex Klein, ArcelorMittal – Indiana Harbor         Janet Norris, JTN Consulting                             Craig Spooner, Moso Consulting, LLC
John Knicely, Consultant                           Evangelos Ntrivalas, Nova Biomedical                     Bradley Stawick, Microbac Laboratories, Inc.
Keith Kokal, Micro Laboratories Inc.               Susan Oldfather, Consultant                              Steven Steiro, Consultant
Doug Kramer, Kramer & Associates                   Biren Patel, ArcelorMittal Steel Inc.                    David Sugiyama, City of Tulsa Police Department
Christopher Krug, Johnson County Sheriff Office/   Richard Peppin, Consultant                               Brent Summerville, Small Wind Certification Council
                                                   Heidi Phillips, Colorado Department of Agriculture       Scott Swiggard, Golden Specialty Consulting, Ltd.
  Criminalistics Laboratory                        James Platte, Consultant                                 Yi-Wei Tang, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Ray Lafferty, Consultant                           Philip Poston, Poston Consulting, LLC                    Daniel Tholen, Dan Tholen Statistical Consulting
Robert Lambert, Consultant                         Thomas Powis, Broadview Instrumentation Services         Warren Udy, Electronic Verification LLC
Lynn Langford, Consultant                          Larry Presley, Consultant                                Prashant Umare, Consultant
Carol Larson, Washington State Department of       George Purvis, Ninyo & Moore                             Lorena Villarreal, Laboratorio DPEC
                                                   Barry Quinlan, Consultant                                John Vurpillat, Consultant
  Agriculture Microbiology Laboratory              Bradley Rauch, Consultant                                David Waitt, Consultant
Brian Lee, Anritsu Company                         Jerry Reed, Consultant                                   Lisa Walters, State University of NY at Fredonia
Walt Lehmus, Diamond Technical Services            Erik Reisdorf, Consultant                                Ilka Warshawsky, Consultant
Jeffrey Lewis, ATF/Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,     Joseph Reisinger, Consultant                             Thomas Wiandt, TruCal Metrology, LLC.
                                                   George Riley, Consulting Forensic Scientist              Bryan Wilkerson, Dynamic Technology
  Firearms and Explosives                          Markus Ruefenacht, Heusser Neweigh                       Dave Wilson, Consultant
Billy Liu, QST International                       Ronald Ryniewicz, Consultant                             Rahul Yarala, Consultant
Steli Loznen, Consultant                           Adeniyi Salam, Consultant                                David Zimmerman, Spectrum EMC Consulting, LLC.
Cathy Mansfield, Applied Technical Services, Inc.  Christopher Sandlin, Sandlin Consulting
Mohammed Maqbool, Qatar University
James Markwiese, Environmental Standards, Inc.
Jorge Martins, Consultant
Michael Masciantonio, Bayer Material Science

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