Page 22 - 2015 A2LA AnnualReport
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Gaming Standards Association (GSA)                    ASME (American Society of Mechanical                   recognized accreditation bodies that can
GSA recognizes A2LA as qualified to accredit          Engineers)                                             perform assessments of these types of laboratories
laboratories to perform GSA standards confor-         The 2007 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code          in order to gain recognition by the DHS.
mance testing. Labs participating in the GSA          III, Subsection NCA: General Requirements for
Certification Program must be ISO/IEC 17025           Division 1 and Division 2 – Rules for Construction     World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)
accredited by an accreditation body (such as          of Nuclear Facility Components specifies the           WADA, in its January 2009 World Anti-Doping
A2LA) that meets the requirements detailed in the     acceptance of accreditation by A2LA or other           Code International Standard for Laboratories,
GSA Certification Program Guide.                      ILAC MRA signatories for calibration laboratories.     requires laboratories to be accredited to ISO/IEC
                                                                                                             17025 by an accreditation body that is a signatory
SBC                                                   Racing Medication & Testing Consortium (RMTC)          to the ILAC MRA (such as A2LA) using assessors
SBC has issued SBC-TP-76200 Network Equipment         The RMTC has specified in its “Laboratory Accredi-     trained and qualified by WADA.
Power, Grounding, Environmental and Physical          tation Requirements and Operating Standards”,
Design Requirements, Issue 5, which formally          Version 2.1, January 2011 that laboratories seeking    Det Norske Veritas (DNV)
recognizes A2LA for the ISO/IEC 17025 accredita-      to become recognized under their program must          DNV has recognized A2LA’s deeming authority
tion of Network Equipment Building Systems (NEBS)     be accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 by an accredita-        from CMS to accredit hospital laboratories for all
testing laboratories.                                 tion body that is a full signatory to the ILAC MRA     specialties and sub-specialties under the Clinical
                                                      (such as A2LA).                                        Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA).
Aerospace Industry                                                                                           As such, DNV-accredited hospitals may utilize
•	 General Electric (GE): With the incorpora-         Recreational Vehicle Industry Association (RVIA)       A2LA for the assessment and accreditation of
tion of ISO/IEC 17025 in S-400 (revision date         The RVIA is the national trade association             their laboratories without a duplicate laboratory
October 15, 2012), GE allows more flexibility in the  representing recreation vehicle manufacturers          assessment from DNV.
approval process. In accordance with GE S400,         and their component parts suppliers who together
Section 2.2.7, subsequent to initial approval by      build more than 98 percent of all RVs produced         Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Accreditation
GE, a laboratory can get recertified for GE work      in the U.S. The RVIA has specified in its “Conditions  Center (GAC)
by (1) GE Aviation audit, (2) ILAC ISO 17025 audit,   and Criteria for RVIA Recognition of Listing           On November 18, 2014, A2LA signed a Memoran-
(3) Nadcap AS7003 audit, (4) GE-AIRBUS-SAFRAN         Agencies”, Rev. 06/10/2014, that product certifi-      dum of Understanding (MOU) with GAC to
audit to SAFRAN Referee Document Agreement,           cation organizations must be accredited to ISO/        provide a framework for cooperation for different
PTL0082.                                              IEC 17065 through an “identified registrar” that is    sectors of accreditation, including assessment
                                                      an IAF MRA signatory such as A2LA or SCC.              and joint accreditation of conformity assessment
•	 United Technologies Corporation (UTC)                                                                     bodies applying for accreditation or already
- Aerospace Industry: UTC and its member organi-      Project 25 Compliance Assessment Program (P25)         accredited by A2LA or GAC.
zations (Hamilton Sundstrand, Pratt & Whitney,        The P25 CAP is a voluntary program that allows
Pratt & Whitney Canada and Sikorsky Aircraft)         P25 land mobile radio (LMR) equipment suppliers
specify A2LA through the Aerospace Supplier           to formally demonstrate their products’ compli-
Quality Requirements. The Aerospace Supplier          ance with a select group of requirements within
Quality Requirements, ASQR-01, Revision 8 states      the P25 suite of standards. The purpose of the
in Section 7.5.2 that “Nadcap accreditation is        P25 CAP is to provide emergency response
not required for materials testing laboratories with  agencies with evidence that the communica-
American Association for Laboratory Accredita-        tions equipment they are purchasing meets
tion (A2LA).”                                         P25 standards for performance, conformance,
                                                      and interoperability. A2LA is one of three DHS

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