Page 6 - BARC Guiding Principles
P. 6


      Promoting Client Independence Since 1949

        As a team, we collectively participate with our Clients
        and their Circle of Support to enhance their person-

        centered  goals  and  develop  an  outcome-based  pro-
        gram plan that strives to meet the Client’s expecta-
        tions. We continually pursue new opportunities to en-

        hance  the  Client’s  personal  growth  and  help  them
        achieve a higher quality of living. Constructive com-
        munication  and  interaction  is  encouraged  to  help
        each individual become an active participant in their

        emotional, financial, professional and social lives. We
        believe  by  supporting  each  Client’s  individual  goals
        and providing them with the tools to make informed
        choices, they will gain independence and become an

        active member in the betterment of our community.

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