P. 46

                  The information and risk strategies included above are intended to serve as a guide for optometry business

               owners. Every business situation is unique, so we encourage readers to seek specific advice from a knowledgeable
               insurance and risk management professional when dealing with particular situations. For further information on
               this topic, or to learn more about the coverage available through the CAO program, please contact BMS Group at
               1-844-517-1371 or, or visit l

                  * In Canada, ULC is the leading third-party certification agency for security and signaling products and systems.
               A ULC certification provides the quickest and surest route to product acceptance by regulatory authorities, insurers,
               law enforcement organizations, government, retailers and consumers. ULC is accredited by the Standards Council of
               Canada as a Testing and Certification organization and the ULC mark is the most widely recognized mark in Canada
               for security and signaling products, systems and installations.

46 C A NA D I A N JO U R NA L o f O P T O M E T RY | R E V U E C A NA D I E N N E D ’O P T O M É T R I E VO L . 7 9 NO. 2
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