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Important Safety Information
Indications and clinical use:
Xiidra is indicated for the treatment of the signs and symptoms
to think about how they create a patient of dry eye disease.
experience, demonstrate quality, create an Contraindications:
efficient eye exam process, and even what
it means to be an eye care professional. Patients who are hypersensitive to this drug or to any
The future of optometry should be focused ingredients in the formulation or component of the container
should avoid taking Xiidra. For a complete listing, see the
on serving patients better, rather than on Dosage Forms, Composition and Packaging section of the
government protection from market disruption. Product Monograph.
Relevant Warnings and Precautions:
2. Embrace change – Regardless of how secure your
business is, you can’t prevent disruption. If your Use in Specific Populations:
reaction to disruption is to create differentiated Pregnancy: There are no adequate and well-controlled
value with consumers and patients, you will studies of Xiidra use in pregnant women. Xiidra should be
always be able to compete with disruptors. used with caution during pregnancy.
Start by incorporating learning as part of your Lactation: It is not known whether Xiidra is excreted in
organizational culture and provide opportunities human milk. Because many drugs are excreted in human milk,
for your staff and associates to learn and grow. caution should be exercised when Xiidra is administered to a
Create processes and a structure that encourage nursing woman.
sharing and learning. Any office or organization Pediatric Use: Safety and efficacy in pediatric patients have
can develop a learning or disruptive mindset, but not been established.
it needs a champion. Change begins with fearless Geriatric Use: No overall differences in safety or effectiveness
leaders demonstrating the rewards and value of have been observed between elderly and younger patients.
change to office staff and patients. Adverse Reactions:
In clinical trials, the most common ocular adverse reactions were
3. Listen to your patients – Patient surveys and eye irritation (18%), eye pain (13%) and instillation site reaction
research consistently show a demonstrated (12%); the most common non-ocular adverse reaction was
preference for comprehensive eye care dysgeusia (14%).
delivered by local optometrists. Some of the Hypersensitivity adverse reactions, including anaphylactic
most disruptive technologies in eye care have reaction/anaphylaxis, type IV hypersensitivity with respiratory
focused on simplifying the eye care process. distress, swollen tongue, and asthma have been reported in
By making the eye care experience simple, postmarketing experiences.
comprehensive and personal, optometrists Dosage and Administration:
can effectively maintain their status as “the”
primary eye care expert with patients, while Instill one drop of Xiidra twice daily (approximately 12 hours apart)
opening up opportunities in other specialty into each eye using a single-use container. Discard the single-use
container immediately after using in both eyes. Contact lenses
areas. should be removed prior to the administration of Xiidra and may
be reinserted 15 minutes following administration.
An optometrist eye care expert using the latest tech- For more information:
nology represents the ultimate disruptor in eye care!
Consult the complete Product Monograph at
Grant Larsen for further
CEO Eye Recommend information on contraindications, warnings, precautions,
adverse reactions, and dosage and administration. The Product
Monograph is also available at: 1-800-268-2772.
isruption is not a new word for any industry
and companies that have been identified as dis-
Druptive are often rewarded for it. Amazon is an
obvious example, but we have also seen this in our in-
dustry with Clearly and Warby Parker. Disruptors take References: 1. Xiidra Product Monograph. Shire Pharma Canada ULC, December
a “tired” or “old-fashioned” industry and use technol- 2017. 2. Holland EJ, et al. Lifitegrast for the treatment of dry eye disease: results
ogy and new delivery models to deliver products and of a phase iii, randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled trial (OPUS-3).
Ophthalmology 2017;124:53–60. 3. Tauber J, et al. Lifitegrast ophthalmic solution
services that align with current and future consumer 5.0% versus placebo for treatment of dry eye disease: results of the randomized
expectations. phase III OPUS-2 study. Ophthalmology 2015;122:2423–2431.
Technology itself can also be a significant disruptor.
The best example of this is streaming technology. For ® Xiidra and the Xiidra logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of SARcode
example, Blockbuster Entertainment, an American- Bioscience Inc., a wholly-owned, indirect subsidiary of Shire plc. Shire and the
Shire logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Shire
Pharmaceutical Holdings Ireland Limited or its affiliates.
© 2018 Shire Pharma Canada ULC. All rights reserved.
Toronto, Ontario M5H 4E3