Page 143 - Carrollton 1994
P. 143
Family Picnic
Carrollton becam e the center
o f festivities when it sponsored
the annual Family Picnic. Held on
Sunday, Feb. 6, 1994, the picnic
w as open to all the fam ilies that
constitute the Carrollton
community. Food w as grilled on
the grounds and m usic w as also
Many contests and activities
w ere planned by the Physical
Education Dept, for the recreation
o f the students and their families.
Som e o f these activities w ere sack
races, relay races and an
Interm ediate school soccer gam e.
Parents w ere en cou raged to
participate in all these events.
The w eather w as perfect
addin g to the gen eral m errim ent
and enjoym ent o f the event.
142 Family Picnic