Page 148 - Carrollton 1994
P. 148

Coneheads, Flinstones,  princesses, and flowers were just some of the
        many costumes that could be seen roaming the Carrollton hallways on
                                                                          Halloween is that time of the year
                                                                        in which everyone is allowed to take
                                                                        form s  other  then  their  own  by
                                                                        beco m in g  w itches,  pum pkins,
                                                                        clowns,  princesses,  and  anything
                                                                        else that could be imagined.
                                                                          Everyone  looks  forward  to  Hal­
                                                                        loween  activities  because  they  are
                                                                        able to pretend and go into a world
                                                                        of fantasy where the sky is the limit.
                                                                          This year's Halloween activities at
                                                                        Carrollton were  held on October 28
                                                                        and  29.  They  included  an  adorable
                                                                        Montessori  and  Lower  School  cos­
                                                                        tume parade, a scary story time  for
                                                                        the  Interm ediate  School,  and  a
                                                                        pumpkin  carving  contest  for  the
                                                                        Junior High. Another pumpkin carv­
                                                                        ing  contest  was  sponsored  by  the
                                                                        Social/Pep  and  Spirit  Committee  in
                                                                        which  the  High  School  committees
                                                                        participated.  The  winner  for  "most
                                                                        creative" and "best overall pumpkin"
                                                                        was the Environment Committee.
                                                                          The Kids for Kids Committee also
                                                                        sponsored  a  Halloween  activity  at
                                                                        Crisis  Nursery  which  included  pro­
                                                                        viding  the  children  with  face  paint­
                                                                        ings and entertainment.
                                                                                          Maggie Corral

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