Page 150 - Carrollton 1994
P. 150

On this page: Students relish a night of excitement!

                                                                              It  was  a  time  of  Shieks  and
                                                                           Shebas...of prohibition, the Blues
                                                                           and  ballyhoo...freaks,  fads,  and
                                                                           flappers...of lawlessness...It was a
                                                                           time for America, for it was Amer­
                                                                           ica  which  set  the  style,  the  atti­
                                                                           tude,  the  vernacular of an  entire
                                                                           decade  and  turned  it  into  one
                                                                           teen age  sp ree...T h e  Roaring
                                                                              On  Friday,  October  29,  The
                                                                           Masque  of  Les  Femmes  Fatales
                                                                           took  place  within  m oonlit  El
                                                                           Jardin.  An  array  of colorful  and
                                                                           creative  costum es  produced  a
                                                                           lighthearted,  festive  atmosphere
                                                                           which  would  soon  be  interrupted
                                                                           by  the  ten  minute  long  dramatic
                                                                           p erform an ce  d ep ictin g  the
                                                                           excitement  of  this  era  with  no
                                                                           boundaries.  Kira  Kelly,  a  senior
                                                                           said, "It was a spectacular event.  I
                                                                           think the  Drama class did a won­
                                                                           derful job!"
                                                                              It  seem s  as  if  the  Carrollton
                                                                           Thespians, under the guidance of
                                                                           Mr.  Robert  De  Los  Santos,  suc­
                                                                           ceeded  in  creating  another  Hal­
                                                                           loween  to remember.
                                                                                           Carmen  Kroepil
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