Page 49 - Carrollton 1994
P. 49

"Since we cannot know all that
                                               to  be  known  of everything,  14

                                               ought  to  know   a  little                                    1

                                                                                         Blaise Past

                                                  The  Junior  High  which  is    fo c u se s   on   fu n d a m en
                                               com posed o f the seventh and      su ch   a s   v o c a b u la ry   !
                                               eight grade finally settled into   g ram m ar.  T h e  M usic
                                               their new hom e on the Duch­       g ra m   e n h a n c e s  each
                                               e s n e   c a m p u s.  T h e  J u n ior   d e n t's  cultural  aw aret
                                               H igh ,  a  part  o f  the  U p p e r   because of its focus on d
                                               School,  has  been  developing     ent types of music, partic
                                               a  unique  academ ic  program      ly  theater  music.  The  S
                                               specifically  design ed  to  the   Studies  classes  examine
                                               studen ts'  n eed s.  This  p ro ­  history  of the  United  S
                                               gram   covers  a  vast  array  of  em phasizing  environm
                                               subjects.                          an d   w o rld -re la te d   is
                                                  In  the  seventh  grade,  the   Religion  courses  provid
                                               Science  classes  are  directed    students with the oppo
                                               to  the  application  o f  funda­  to  exam ine  and  under:
                                               mental  notions into data and      the  Rom an  Catholic  c
                                               o b se rv a tio n .  W hile,  in  the   and its role in today's s
                                               eighth  grad e ,  the  students  T he  Art  Dept,  balance
                                               are  taught  to  work on  prob­    History with  the  actual
                                               lem   so lvin g  an d   h an d s-o n    cation of different techr
                                               experiences.  Mathematics for      and principles.
                                               both grades is a two-year pro­        The  Junior  High  di
                                               g ra m   in corporating  fu n d a­  em phasizes  change  an
                                               mentals  in Algebra I.  M aebe-    covery  through  the  inti
                                               natus  offers  Pre-A lgebra  in    tion  o f  its  very  uniqu<  |
                                               the  7th  and  A lg eb ra  in  the   gram.  It continues to e p
                                               8th.  T he  L a n g u a g e   classes   adding  extracurricular
                                               in c lu d e   S p a n is h   w h ich   is   ties  thus  en ablin g  th
                                               g e a re d   to  studying  literary   dents  to  further  expe
                                               w o rk s,  a n d   Fren ch   w h ich  and expand their know

                                                                                             Pam Butler
                                                           Bert Adan                      Athletic Director &
                                                       JH Mathematics                   JH Physical Educatk

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