Page 53 - Carrollton 1994
P. 53

Scientists are Peeping

                                                 Toms at the keyhole of

                                                 eternity.                  Arthur Koestlei

                         and                   bers can be a confusing and chal­  Pre-Calculus, Discrete MatheJj

                                                 The world of science and num­
                                                                                  ics, and A.P. Calculus.
                                               lenging place  to  be,  but with  the
                                                                                    The  science  program  has!
                                              guidance  and  preparation  given
                                                                                  men  now  take  Biologjfl
                                               to girls  in Carrollton,  this techni­  been  improved  this year.  Fr|j
                                              cal world is not such an intimidat­  opposed to taking I.P.S. as
                                               ing place to be.                   year science course. Juniors
                                                 The  math  curriculum  provides   have  the  opportunity  of t
                                               the  good  base  which  is  needed   Physics  with  seniors  if they
                                               for  all  types  of college  math.  In   chosen  to  take advantage  <
                                               recent years,  Carrollton  has tried   Science  Acceleration  Pro<
                                               to  up-grade  the  math  program,   offered  in  the  sum m er  vu
                                               and  this year it was finally imple­  gives juniors the option of 4
                                               mented.  Freshmen  now  begin      ing their chemistry requirer]
                                               their math careers with geometry   in a six week accelerated cd
                                               instead  of Algebra  1;  students   Finally,  a  small  group  of se
                                              who  have  not  fulfilled  their Alge­  were  also  given  the  oppor
                                               bra requirement have the oppor­    of taking  a  six week  accela
                                               tunity  of  taking  their  Algebra   Physics class. By taking this!
                                               requirement.  Between  the  regu­  certain seniors have been a|
                                               lar  and  honors  classes,  the  girls   take College Anatomy and  lj|
                                               have  a  wide  range  of classes  to   ology through  a  dual  enroll
                                               choose from - Algebra I, Geome­    program with Barry Universll
                                               try,  Honors Geometry, Algebra II,             Diana de la Tom
                                               Honors Algebra  II, Trigonometry,

                                                         Mrs.  Bonner                       Mr. Crockwell
                                                 Geometry,  Honors Geometry         Biology, College Anatonll,
                                                   and Discrete Mathematics                   Physiology

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