Page 58 - Carrollton 1994
P. 58

"The  world's  history  is

                                                                  constant,  like  the  laws
                                                                  o f nature,  and  simple,
                                                                  like  the  souls  o f men.
                                                                  The  sa m e  con d ition s
                                                                  co n tin u a lly   p r o d u c e
                                                                   the same results."
                                                                      Friedrich von Schiller

                                                                      " W hen  I  w a n t  to
                                                                     understand  what  is
                                                                     happening  today  or
                                                                     try  to  d ecid e  w hat
     Sr. Jackie Hirsch                 Ms. Maria Valdez              will  happen  to m o r­
  . History, Hon. U.S.  History,   World History, Government &?
                                                                     row, I look back."
  mtemporary Global Issues                Economics
                                                                                Oliver Wendell
                                                                                    Holmes, Jr.

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