Page 62 - Carrollton 1994
P. 62
Building Strength and
Mew Physical E du cation must use what knowledge they
uipment, such as R eebok have accum ulated to create
>ps and a rowing machine their own training programs.
ve brought a new enthusi- Physical Education c lasses
m to the sch ool w hen it teach aerobics, Step aerobics
mes to staying in shape, a s w ell as an em p h asis on
is year, the PE. classes have w e ig h t train in g. S tu d en ts n
itness room where they can m ust then create their own
irk on the Step equipment, Step routines, perform ed for
irk with weights or simply do the class. This builds not only
;robics. F resh m en a re physical strength but also the 8 L
guired to take Personal Fit- stage p resence to perform .
:ss. This class introduces Mrs. Rotella explains, "Stu
>od nutrition, stay in g in d en ts sh ou ld learn how to
ape as well as certifying stu exercise and stay fit while at
nts in first aid and C.PR. At the sam e time having a fun
e end of the semester they class."
Mrs. Kitty Rotella
Physical Education
Academics O s 61