Page 61 - Carrollton 1994
P. 61
CO Moving Into the Future
as As the world moves into a such program s as word d
time where almost everything
sheet. Advanced Compu
will be run by computers, it is cessing, database and spre
appropriate that Carrollton do Applications (Research Sk
the same. With the addition of is offered as an elective. In
new M acintosh com puters, class, students lean ho\i
and new printers as well as write more effective resell
other equipment, the Carroll paper, etc. These skills||
ton computer lab is well on its important when applyin
way in joining the nation as it colleges and in school,
moves into the age of technol dents learn to use their kri
ogy. Computer Aplications is a edge to improve their scm
mandatory class that teaches work. Says Rev. Rick oi j
the stu den ts the b asic s o f classes, "It is important J
using a computer. It is here students use what they i
that they improve their typing learned to solve problen
skills and learn how to use their own."
Rev. Rick Kraus-Neale