Page 59 - Carrollton 1994
P. 59
Express Your Mind
A world without art and dram a
would be like a world without expres
sion of thought. The Fine Arts depart
ment at Carrollton encourages the stu
dents to use their imagination, creativ
ity, and talents in order to express their
individual selves.
The Studio Art, Photography, and
Art Appreciation classes, taught by Ms.
Arts styles of art developed throughout the Above: Macarena del Oro woi
Vizzi, allow the students to broaden
their horizons and nurture their minds.
They take an active role in producing
their own works of art as well as by
learning about the many different
The Speech, Debate, and Drama
classes taught by Mr. De Los Santos
help teach the students to feel com
on her art project. Below: Sti
fortable with themselves in front of an
audience. They have put on quite a few
sentation on Women's Day.
dramatic performances that have left
impressive marks on the Carrollton
community. dents perform a dramatic pr
Maggie Corrai
Fn i
Robert M. De los Santos
Jacqueline G. Vizzi
A.P.English, Speech &
Studio Art, Yearbook,
Debate, Drama, Music Appreciation, PhotograpH
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