Page 55 - Carrollton 1994
P. 55

Each  religion,  by  the  help  of
                                                 m ore  or  less  myth  which  it

                                                 takes  more  or  less  seriously,

                                                 proposes some method of forti­
                                                 fyin g  the  human  soul  ana

                                                 enabling  it  to  make  its peace

                                                 with its destiny.

                                                                           George Santayani
                         and    U             five main goals. With this in mind, a spe­  ethics  and  medical  ethics.  Thr<

                                                At Carrollton,  spirituality is one of the
                                                                                  these studies, students  begin  to  fo
                                                                                  late their own opinions on the contr
                                              cial  effort  is made  to  help  each  student
                                                                                  sial issues which face our society tc
                                              develop  her own spiritual  life.  Mrs.  Hut­
                                              ton is now the new Campus Minister and
                                                                                    The Juniors are required to take
                                              takes  care  of  masses,  community  ser­
                                                                                  tology and Church History- all the cl
                                                                                  are theology. This class consists of
                                              vice,  and  all  other  activities  which
                                                                                  how Jesus relates  to  our everyday
                                              ing  the  four  year  sequence  of religion
                                              classes  at  Carrollton,  each  girl  is  given
                                                                                  Mr.  Vega,  another newcomer  to  cj
                                3             revolve  around  religious  life.  By  follow­  depth  study  of Qod  and  an  analyj
                                              an  opportunity  to  familiarize,  analyze,
                                                                                  ton, teaches this new course.
                                                                                    In  Senior year,  students  must fl
                                              and  develop  her  feelings  and  ideas
                                                                                  class  on  Marriage  and  the  Familv I
                                              regarding her faith.
                                                 This year,  freshmen  religion  classes
                                                                                  ent studies.  Seniors cover areas
                                              have  taken  on  a  new  approach.  Mrs.   course  incorporates a  number of II
                                              Ortiz, a new addition to the department,   chology, peer ministry, the beliefs
                              T >             has  introduced  a  new  "hands  on"  style   Roman  Catholic Church, and  soci
                                              for  studying  scripture  and  learning   tice  (community service).  In  add!
                                              about Catholicism.  This class also helps   the  actual  religion  class,  the  gi
                                              freshmen establish a better relationship   required to present their Senior P
                                              with Qod, themselves, and each other.  which  culminate  their  religious
                                                 The Sophomores take an Ethics class.   at the end of the year.
                                               In  this  class,  students  study  different   Sophomores,  Juniors,  and  ;
                                              philosophies  and  theories  of  morality   are  required  to  do  community
                                              and  apply  these  principles  to  everyday   which  includes  doing work with
                                              ethical  issues.  Some  of  the  subjects   refugees,  caring  for abused  anc
                                               included  in  their study are abortion,  the   doned children, and tutoring sch<
                                              death penalty,  lying, stealing and cheat­  dren.
                                               ing,  environm ental  ethics,  business            Diana de la T<

                                                     Sr.  Imma de Stefanis               Mrs. Virginia Huttol
                                                            Ethics                Campus Ministry, Senior 111

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