Page 51 - Carrollton 1994
P. 51

7         can find m y biography

                                                  in every fable that I read.'

                                                             Ralph Waldo Emersoi

                                                  Every year, Carrollton students   teacher  in  the  English  De]
                                               are  introduced  to a  new world  of   ment.  This  course  covers a
                                                English. As they progress through   scope  of Am erican  Iitere
                                                the English curriculum at Carroll­  ranging  from  the  early wor
                                               ton, girls are invited to make new   the  Puritans  all  the  way  ti
                                               discoveries in literature.          modern works of William  Fa
                                                  Ms.  Crain  and  Sister de  Stefa-   er.
                                                nis  teach  Introduction  to  Litera­  Finally,  Senior  year,  stull
                                                ture and Writing to the freshmen.   are  given  the  opportun j
                                               This  course  provides  the  basic   choose  the  English  class  |
                                               skills needed for surveying pieces   they  prefer.  Among  the  cfj
                                               o f  literature  and  producing     are A.P. English, Principles d
                                               essays.                             lege  Writing  (both  taught  1
                                                  Sophomore year is a challeng­    de  los  Santos),  Mr.  Pe<
                                                ing year especially because of the   Novel,  or  Ms.  Bell's  Shake;
                                                required English class, British Lit­  and Modern Authors.
                                                erature.  Ms.  Bell entices students   Given this broad view of
                                                to  think  critically  and  interpret   ture,  students  are  able  to
                                                precisely  while  closely  studying   iarize themselves with a
                                                w ell-kn ow n  authors  such  as   famous  works  presented
                                                William  Shakespeare  and  John    inspiring world of
                                                  Juniors  take  U.S.  Literature,
                                                taught  by  Mr.  Feever-a  new

                                                           Ms. Crain                      Mr. de los Santolj
                                                Introduction to Literature and        A.P  English, Principle
                                                             Writing                        College Writing
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