Page 57 - Carrollton 1994
P. 57
Man is a histo
creature w ho can neithe
repeat his past nor leave
>> behind. W.M. Aude
From the ancient times of people, and domestic and i
the Incas and the Mayans to eign affairs. With Bill Cliiji
the modern politics of today, serving as the First Democ ;
the study of history is an excit president in 18 years, e
ing and adventurous road of history stu den t is abljl
discovery. At Carrollton, stu
watch and understand the i
o dents eagerly take this journey tory b e in g m ad e todah
to seek out the history of our
p la c e s like Russia, H
world, country, politics, cul
Bosnia, Europe, and the
ture, and time. From World
History, which is taken fresh ed States.
As a part of the Historjlj
men year, to Contem porary riculum at Carrollton, Jull
+ j G lo b a l Issu e s, the history and Seniors are given then
requirement for seniors, stu
cial opportunity of atteijl
dents receive a solid and thor Close-Up in Washington n
M discussion skills, the girls are offered to students acroaj
a governm ent run projj
ough survey of history. Utiliz
ing their learning, writing, and
country which enables thl'i
explore and witness gcll
able to analyze the causes and
ment and law in the mai
effects of national and global A lth ou gh stu den ts II
ip* events. attend workshops and s
In addition to studying his
nars, visits to places likeb
torical facts, history classes at
C arrollton incorporate and tol Hill the White Housll
connect the history of the past Vietnam War Memorial
and the history of today. Stu the Sm ithsonian maklf
dents learn the basis for criti week long trip an educaji
cal discussions on politics and and rewarding experienjj.