Page 57 - Carrollton 1994
P. 57

Man  is  a                                         histo

                                               creature  w ho  can  neithe

                                              repeat  his past  nor  leave
                      >>                      behind.                                   W.M. Aude

                                                 From  the  ancient  times  of  people, and domestic and  i
                                               the  Incas  and  the  Mayans  to   eign  affairs.  With  Bill  Cliiji
                                               the  modern  politics  of today,   serving as the First Democ ;
                                               the study of history is an excit­  president  in  18  years,  e
                                               ing  and  adventurous  road  of  history  stu den t  is  abljl
                                              discovery.  At  Carrollton,  stu­
                                                                                  watch and understand the i
                      o                       dents eagerly take this journey     tory  b e in g   m ad e  todah
                                               to  seek out  the  history of our
                                                                                  p la c e s  like  Russia,  H
                                              world,  country,  politics,  cul­
                                                                                  Bosnia,  Europe,  and  the
                                               ture,  and  time.  From  World
                                               History,  which  is  taken  fresh­  ed States.
                                                                                     As a part of the Historjlj
                                               men  year,  to  Contem porary      riculum  at  Carrollton,  Jull
                   + j                        G lo b a l  Issu e s,  the  history  and Seniors are given then
                                               requirement  for  seniors,  stu­
                                                                                  cial  opportunity  of atteijl
                                              dents receive a solid and thor­     Close-Up  in  Washington n
                      M                       discussion  skills,  the  girls  are   offered  to students acroaj
                                                                                  a  governm ent  run  projj
                                              ough  survey  of history.  Utiliz­
                                               ing their learning, writing, and
                                                                                  country which enables thl'i
                                                                                  explore  and  witness  gcll
                                              able to analyze the causes and
                                                                                  ment  and  law  in  the  mai
                                              effects  of  national  and  global   A lth ou gh   stu den ts  II
                   ip*                        events.                             attend  workshops  and  s
                                                 In  addition  to  studying  his­
                                                                                  nars, visits to places likeb
                                              torical  facts,  history classes at
                                              C arrollton  incorporate  and       tol  Hill  the  White  Housll
                                              connect the history of the past     Vietnam  War  Memorial
                                              and  the  history  of today.  Stu­  the  Sm ithsonian  maklf
                                              dents  learn  the  basis  for criti­  week long trip  an  educaji
                                              cal discussions on politics and     and rewarding experienjj.

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