Page 86 - Carrollton 1994
P. 86

C hristie A n n e   D a ia s
                                                                            M arch  15,  1®£6
                                                                                M iam i,FI /

   feetings+Salulations"..Yvi,W e'relnTheMiddleOfU.S. 1..  Heart'90..BunBun..The-
   (n..ATC.."lt'sMexicanMight"..ButtonThatButton,Sylvia..  AIIMighters, 1,2,3..Jack.."The-
   ;er'..ruzzyMavels;St.ElmosFire..  "There's  a  Problem  in  America"..Runts:  I'mlieverA-
   n ..V id eo s 10 4 s t.. E ri kF orA  I IT h e Y e a rs  W e 'v e  C a re d . .THE W A L L . .T u n e lln
   lyo.."HTakes2".. The BakeryClan..Ron+Fernando I'llLoveYouQuys Always..Christmas-
   mals..  X-tasy.."QimmieAB"..AT6fT..TheReplacements.."Rightl1ere,RightMow"..  THE-
   K..AhBuggaBuggaBuggaAhAhAh..SylvieOurWalks..Mami,rmrego-Oragami..  "SayY-
   aby”..PurpleLighters..F.C.riewYears'92..BiRaroPrisionero..  MyLittleGreenCock-
   ch..Drunk-Ard..Anais;SummerOf'92..Lollapaloza..40+..  Alfonso,  AlwaysOurHero..
   ^ACadyWeCanDoAnything;Maite"..Mobil:Boones..  TheCruise..R-E-S-P-E-C-T..Anais-
   :YouThe Bud ha?.. Ransom  P ro m '9 2 ..   M ik e ll-9 -9 2 ( E lvis).. T h e Mom m en tY-
                                                                        I  see  you've  got you're  fist  out  say  your
  j/l/alkedlnTheJoint..Prisons4Kids..  CatholicGirlsStartMuchTooLate,Diana..Beast-
                                                                        peace and get out, guess I get the gist o f
   oysl +2..Cid..PartyingAtRetreat..  GreystoneandTradewindsMotels..lngaOurCount-   it but it's all  right.  Sorry that you  feel  that
  sAdventures + talks(M otThatW eGossip)..  You'reTheSh-TheCubanSh-..TheU n-   you  feel  that way the only thing is to say:
  pwnSmoker..GablesProm'93TB.."lt'sLikeButterlt'sLikeButterBaby"..Jehovas Witness..
                                                                        every silver linings got a touch o f grey.
  lm'93..  ThanxCarlFor-EVERYTHIMG,AlwayslLoveYou..  ****F est’93-lt'sAIIaBlur..              -Grateful Dead
  noneWe'reCoolLikeThat..Ransom  Guyslt's  BeenFun..Cris+LeifThanx..  Sean:YearsOf
  alsAnd  Tribulations..Blake,  Marcel,Sabol,BrianThanxForTheSummerOF93LoveYou..
                                                                        My candle  burns at  both  ends;  it will  not
  pisW hereD idW eLoseC ontrol?. .C harlie K n igh ton  Please. .ILeftM yK eyslnO .T..   last the night but oh, my foes, and oh, my
   Let'sTalkAboutAna..Blakel1owDoStandMe?..We'reBadWeKnowltWe'reHereToShow-   friends-it gives a lonely light.
   Tistina... Mobie..V.C.Lounge..issingRock..RationPattyRation..Marcel,AlllCanSay-     Edna St. Vincent Millay
  JhanxForTheFriendship:ILoveYou..  EddieWeAlwaysUnderstand..DT,SDR,YGA,CR,KK,
  |,MT,PP,AM,  CG,MB:ILoveYouAIIMoreThanlCanSayAndl'llCarryYouWithMeAlways,
  BnxForAGreatTimeGirls..  ToAllMyFriendsOutsideCarrolltonThanxForBeingThere..
  fr..  Maite:ICan'tImagineLifeWithoutYou,ThanxForSharinglnAIIMyAdventures,lLovey-
  iWithAIIMyMeart..  Mom + DadWhatALongStrangeTriplt'sBeen,ThanxForAlwaysPuttin-
                                                                           You've got to
  jpWithMe.lLoveYou..  CarrolltonTenOfTheBestYearsOfMyLife..  Here'sWhereTheSto-
                                                                           cry  w ithout
  tnds.. I'm0utties5000..........................
                                                                           w e e p i n g ,
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