Page 88 - Carrollton 1994
P. 88
L e sle y d e la T o rre
), Lesley, Leesol...l45, 4-ever!...don't forget to bring M.J for the
rty ! R o n n ie a n d M a rk : w h a t i s t h i s i n f o i l , h u h
3ley?...Antwoine8 fMauri; ATTB riC IO N !...flaca, you are not
Excuse me while I kiss the sky."
...Vanessa you are not going to die. Gen-Ben, Erica, SiSi and
lath B ar w e 'll n e v e r 4 g e t . . . E u r o p e , d is n e y t r ip s ,
yfriends...DEC...wars in 6 th-7 th...enteringtheconventpleasec-
hewithme...Serge-9/22/92...birthdays at Ventanas...5th...Egoiste
pt,Francisco&Javi.. .07/13/9 l,F.P.,...P.C.l2/20/91.. .49ers.Thewail, notworryEricaI'mnotgonnaburnanything...Rome s
[...Mezzanote andtheBash...Van,Dulce,Lil,TrishandLesleyyouare-
jmIceland,forCameo...Maite!i'm not screaminginyourear!...every-
lelamfinel... Nevythecultw/GigiSf m ighty... Ericadon'tsellout...
Illy, prettyboy... everythingwillworkoutfine... Mami,Papi, Mark, Nanalo
[,papatu,papamon,nanagy Gladys teamotodosmucho!!...Markand-
en dsesp.Jessi...C h rislloveu & ;S ebastian too...G eovan n ate-
1 eiro!...movieriesfreak...thatmanpointeda... gun...Idrivewell!...ifit-
>oloudyourtooold... thatlicenseplateisn't... ITY-65E!Oh,shooy!Lets
now!...southbeach,hobe,coconutgrove... ilivedinHialeah is there
problem ? the g y m ,... J a ela ,sto p sa y in g S a n ta P etra ,
ilce...Canes#l...JoeyM ontanaistheBest! Dulce, friends4life...
pnkie.letsseethedolphinsplay...wasn't there som eone sitting in
pt car before right!UFO,them3blacksstsomething!!Want Subway
Bncunalwaysrem em ber,Daddyo's,body shots,Turn! 1...never- BUI!
>neit,butlwill...turboski Dadsticktoateam... momdon'tworry,your-
}ht always...UVMSummerDiscoveryllSteve, Jen,M arge,Leland
S h an a& Jan eth n ever4getyou z...D u lce lets play U ltim ate
isbee,R oom ie...Ain't no G." th a n g ,b a b y !!...F riz!...D a n ce,
pnce,Ballet,Ballet thats allyoulive4...BrettMann!Marshmellow...
kapadesbalc...hose...Alex please take m e hydrosliding...Nadine,
hakelt!SiSi,cheerup...Pat8fErika,i miss our frees...Vanessayourwel-
kne. ..J/Kl., .DatingConnection.. .Peeyour2 sweet&toodamngoodin-
pol,pingpong8feverythingelse... iluvya...Crue...ll of us in the
plyo...Elky&Heatherchillout!...Are u? nah...ididn'tthinkso...Well, i m
nito... Class of '94, rules!...m issyou,see all of you soon i
ppe,Bye!Ciao.lluvU,all. College is next...