Page 92 - Carrollton 1994
P. 92
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Cristina Gn$g| — O ne day you'll
Sept. 6, l^|5||g Ifd'Pk to see I've
“gone, but tomor-^
■ row may rain,
■ I'll follow the stm..
The E m H m
Hi m
91 0 mm I
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"You know when I was 19, grandpa took me. on a
rollercoaster. Up, down, up down. Oh, what a ride. I
always wanted to go again. You know it was just
interesting to m e that a ride could make me so
m m frightened, so scared, so sick, so excited and so
thrilled altogether. Some didn't like it. They went on
the merry-go-round. That just goes around. Noth
ing. I like the rollercoaster. You get more out o f it."
etin gs& S alu tation s..A h boogaboogaboogaah ah ah .. m etrorail:- Parenthood
ZAD&Gigi,. Jailbird's.."TheBust"..D ulce's& Christinesl5's..killer-
ts.. piggirtgoutatCAD's..BakerycIub..F.V.,S.S.,B.L.,R.R.,A.C.,R.M.,-
,.. jh atefrostedflak es..doggin h eads..-
oprisionero".. C.F.w /F.R .,K .M .& A.I"..R ansom prom ..M ike..R an-
iposse-E.A.,S.O.,C.A.,A.I.,C.C.,J.T.,V.R.,E.N.,L.B.. Ana:lliketochit,-
ugetfreshwithme.. abuel ita's..N.C. trips.. Ana: lam nof normal, thisis-
normal.. m ysecretloveaffair..sum m erof92&93..Jrprom &theboat-
ndateless,finally..l04st.. x-tasy..CloseUpsneakoutw /A.C.,A.A.& -
’.."Righthere,Rightnow".. CAD:let'stalkaboutAna..Alf: TheUnforgiv-
’..lhaternayo..“D ago d o n 'tsh o o t".. m encan'tlivew iththem ,can t-
)otthem.. Josh2:30..C A D 'sfam oushat.. M aite-"TheJoker"..CAD's
hem om entyouwalkedinthejoint".. "I'm inthem iddleoflJSl thanx-
b..M obil..IndianRiver..CAD'svideos.. C A D -sin cefo rever..D allas-
fcW arren.thanxforthebesttim e.Iloveyouboth.. C arl- O R ..Jerky-
ys..Ed-youknoweveryone..Lolllapalooza.."Earl,Earl .. 4ofJuly..the-
ginningoftheend.. "I'm term in al".. Ed :w h ataparty!sorry! A T & T ..
)m m yl'm gooragom ..H obbie..Terry& Ronny..V.C. Lounge.. M ardis-
asonwater.. to th egan gd lo v ey o u & Id o n 'tk n o w w h atlw o u ld h av e-
new/oyou..Eddy:AllIcansayisthanx,lloveyou&behave.. AlLWewillbe-
m ds.W hat'stosaythatlhavenotalready.Iloveyou.. E d:Thanxforbe-
jfnyguardianangeI.wehavecom ealongway..Vic:M ybigbro!?Nom at-
whatlloveyou.. C A D :W e'vebeenthroughitall.Y ou'vebeenthereall-
flif&alwayswill.Iloveyou.SMUorLoyola?.. Ana:M ybestfriend.Thanx-
rlistening& puttingupw ithm e.Y ouknow toom uchbut,lloveyouto-
ath.. Q eorgie:m y"little"bro.Iloveyou w /allm yh eart.rilm issyou ..
om &dad:Thanxforalwysbeingthere&understanding.Iam whoiam b/c
you.lloveyou.. dad:You'llkillhim ,right?..m onryouhavealreadybe-
tnemybestfriend.. WillweeverseeSr. D'shairdown?.. Sobeit.. I'm "out-