Page 87 - Carrollton 1994
P. 87
The world is full o f kings and queensi
break our hearts and steal our drearr
Tomorrow is always new with no misl
in it.
-Ms. S
Sylvia d e la Rua
A u g u st 13, 1976
M iam i, Fla.
ahah...Yve,our9thgradeexpedition...a toothbrush?,..christine'sl5's... The-
Wall...Pattysorryabouteddiebuti'mnotsleepingonthecouch...9thx-mas for-
mal(carlito).. ."Greetings-n-Salutations"... 11:45.. ."Alegottabrown yetta"-
w hat?...the Backeryclan... w aiter, my Phychiatrist... pa tty RUsTuMk
? ...a Ie x .ro b e rto ,n ic c o -th e 3 a m ig o s ...d o g g in g ...c u s i's freshm an
party...dudette...erik martels-"something retarded just happened"...pattyU
So this is love, as demanding and nourish g a
love ...juanky tonky...playitagainPeanu t...azo...lO peopleinthe
Escort...bettathanbutta...Christie,our walks down the street...a bud makes difficult as it can be, and as strong and w ; a
u.. .mme.suarez-ilikeit-iloveit... mr.siko.. ,erika'sl5's.. .swamping in down makes you become. There is somethin lo
town. ..tasy... ronny-take us to soccer. ,.jo h n d rea m s...a m o co gained from commitment. There are rev\ Hs
bathroom ...calsonciIlo...yve'struck..."the m om ent u walked in the staying when you would rather leave. And ter<
joint"...di,heath shivers...x-mas formal '92...diSfsyl,theboobsie twins..."mi something to be said for running up at
hija es u na"...did the m arlins w in ? ...m o ,is that a fry u r when you would rather slide down it. An< jo j
smoking?...Vail'91,'92,'93...paso fino...anais,justlmore please!...mami i'm
let love come perch upon your shoulder. ||d j
pregooragam i...Mobil-boones,m d2020... 15 l...sum m er'92... skipping..
do not turn it away. You do the tango.
.judy,my'lilsis...anais,ourroses-thelethalcomb...nothing amazes me any
m o r e ...A T & T ...b a h a m a s c r u is e (s c a r y ,v e r y s c a r y )...k ik i,u r
w here'sIsa...theGoldenchild-rightW ichi...Fel,Ur notG od...ickypoo...
...see ya wouldn't wanna be ya...rob,my best friend... Key'sMemorialWeek-
humorbyMo...cazo,thechiller...likelovers...5/7/93t.b.t.o.m.l... di,when'sour-
wedding?...prom'93...“celebration"...cusi'sout...rob, oursecrets...close -
up'93...minnesotaroomatesw/the5a.m. curlers... alfonso'sreunions...the-
H ook -sp an ish m si, sin gG u an tan am era... laten igh tcon
versations...say yo baby yo baby yo...pouchon& pou chona...sum -
mer'93...sarasota-bush gardens...beachwalks...VelvetCreme&Hobie.. .you
guys,I can't b e lie v e it's over-D .D ,Y.G .A ,C .R ,C .A .D ,C .G ,A .M ,K .K ,
M.T,P.P,M.B.-thank you all for the best years o f my life...Di,Yve,Cusi&Mo-
what would I do without you guys-I love U...Patty,what can I say but-thanks
for all the memories-i'll always love you pioja...Rob,my life has changed
e v e r sin ce you cam e a lo n g -d o n 't ever lea ve m e-1 4 3 -B .F .F ...
mom,dad,juanchy,abuela&abuelo-thanks for standing behind me all of
these years-i made it...Well, it's time to say good-bye...I Love You All...SEE