Page 132 - Carrollton 2000
P. 132
* "the Journey
1 The 8clipraders experienced “Pathfinder’’ at Cedarkirk,
FLjin Janua#. For most of them, th^highligjit of the trip.was
a ca'poe trip down the Alafia River, l.ven thoijgh many found it
to hie wild, others saw it as a spiritual Experience with nature.
Bq*s|des canoeing, thejffparticipated in hctivitiel such as learning
survival skills and experienced what it felt like rto be members
of the Underground Rhilrofd. Overall, the trip was a! great?
oq&sion fospersonal^rowffh and friendship.
Their Own Beach
Biscayne Research Center on
Oran don Beach. The students had
a |reaf time finding live: creatures,
examininf|ihem, and returning
them to tine beach or sea. They
kter built a beach habitat and
shared it with the Montessori
thlough 2^ graders and with their
fathers, «