Page 147 - Carrollton 2000
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                           Focusing  on  reflection  and  growth,  both 'spiritually and  personally,  the
                      retreats  allow the  high  school  students  to  get away  from  the  stress  of their aca­
                     demic  lives.  Though  the  themes  for the  retreats  vary,  this  time  gives  the  students
                     a  chance  to  come  face  to  face  with  problems  they  may be  experiencing  or  to
                     simply  reflect  on  their  own  faith.  With  the  guidance  of the  retreat  leaders*  the
                     students  are  able  to  get  the  most  out  of retreats  through  trust  exercises  with
                     friends  and  quiet  reflection.  Retreats  instill a strong spiritual  faith  in all,  becoming
                     a  source  of strength when  facing  future  challenges  in  adulthood.

                             Freskman  Retreat

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