Page 22 - Carrollton 2012
P. 22
Q : What did Carrollton look like when you were here?
SWM: Carrollton School was only on the Barat Campus. There was a long driveway leading to El
Jardin and off to the side there was a garden with a gazebo. It was beautiful, and that is one of the
treasures of going to Carrollton. You are surrounded by beauty that will stay with you your whole life.
Q: What did your uniform look like?
SWM: We had striped shirtwaist dresses in pink, yellow, green, and blue, with a red belt and little red
buttons, and actually, looking back, they were very lovely. We wore what they call saddle oxfords. They
were white:shoes and they had a brown or black top and they tied. I do miss wearing uniforms.
Q : What did your classrooms look like?
SWM : They were beautiful rooms and the teacher would sit at the front of the room and we would be
lined up 8 desks in front of her. There was a chalkboard behind her for writing lessons. You don't have
those anymore since you have computers and smartboards. But we had a lot of books and they were
kept O iiffe shelves above the fireplaces in all the classrooms.
Q : What was Conge like?
SWM: Cohg*d was a special day and everyone was always excited about it because you didn't have to
go to class. One of the best things was that we would go down to the bay and enjoy games and treats
to eat. One of my favorites was the little merengues that the sisters from Cuba used to make and serve
H T o this day if somebody asked, "What is your favorite?" I would say the merenguitos. Mmm, they
were so good!
Q: What was Carrollton like when you were here?
SWM: Do you know that looking back it was probably one of the best times of my whole life. It was
special. All my friends that I went to Sacred Heart with, when we talk to each other, we look back and
agree that it was the most special time of our lives. The beauty of Carrollton, the education that the
nuns gave us, the friends we made, it is all so precious.
Q: Did you learn about St. Madeleine Sophie and St. Rose Philippine?
SWM; On th'e feast days of both saints we focused on their values and their lives. Living with the values
-that inspired St. Madeleine Sophie and St. Rose Philippine is part of everyday life at Carrollton and all
the Sacred Heart schools.