Page 17 - Carrollton 2012
P. 17
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FIRST FOU.VDATION of Ihe internationally lieadmtstrcM, Is shown instructing members of
known Religious of Ihe Sacred Heart has opened the fourth grade class following Ihe formal In
here at J7«7 Main Highway. Mother McDonnell, auguration of classes lost week.
Convent O f Sacred Heart Opens
The Religious of the Sacred
Heart who conduct educational
institutions in 34 countries on
five continents have inaugu
rated classes in I heir first Flor
ida foundation.
El Jardfn estate at 3747
Main H ighw ay, Coconut Grove
is the site of llir newly es
tablished Convent of the Sa
cred Heart, Carrollton, an ele
mentary and collrgc prepara
tory school for girls.
Classes began Fallowing cele
bration of Mass by Msgr. Wil
liam F. McKccver, Miami dio
cesan superintendent of schools.
Grades one through 12 are in
According lo Mother Kath
erine McDonnell, headmistress
at the school, the Miami Sacred
Heart Convent will follow Ihe
same inspiring program as oth
er Sacred Heart institutions es
tablished by the foundress,
Saint Madeleine Sophie at llie
turn of the 19th century. She
emphasized "an education se the sunchiue on the beautiful palfo of the Convent which over
rious In its principles, strong in looks Blscayne Day In Coconut Grave, Mother Guerrierl Is
Ita studies and rich In a spirit shown instructing the sophomore class In American h In lory.
U RELIGIOUS of the Society of Ihe Sacred Grove where Hey wtU pptabUah a eeliefe pre-
Heart are shown on the apadooo p w d a of Ihe paretocy day ichiol far (Iris efxnhaf ter tlooooe
new Convent of the Sacred Henri In Ceceont In Ihe next semester.