Page 15 - Carrollton 2012
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               The theme o f the 2012 edition o f Yggdrasill is Aurum, the Latin word for gold, and is a celebration o f
               Carrollton's 5 0th Anniversary. Filled with pictures from the past and historical timelines, Aurum connects
               our Carrollton history with the present, bearing witness to a half-century o f faithfully living the vision o f
               St. Madeleine Sophie Barat.

               With each decade, Carrollton has grown in vitality because the community remains true to its mission.
               As the recipients o f Sophie's vision and the beneficiaries o f those who have gone before us, let us
               commit ourselves to be faithful to the presence and action o f G od's Spirit that is alive in us. I invite you
               to peruse the pages o f this celebratory book to learn more about our school's history and to reflect upon
               and enjoy our 2 0 1 1-2012 academic year.

               Suzanne Cooke, RSCJ

                                  Carrollton's Founding Religious o f the Sacred Heart: (Front row, from left) Mother
                                  Mali® Crajg> Reverend Mother Agnes Barry, Mother Gertrude Attridge, Mother
                                  Matilde Bolivar; (Back row) Mother Ana Solaun, Mother Dora Guerrieri, Sister Rosa
                                  Orjuela, Mother Clare McGowan, Mother Ida Smith, Mother Marie Buonato, Sister
                                  Bienvenida Velez. Not pictured: Mother Mary Elizabeth Foley, Mother Katherine

                                                        c )

               Yggdrasill is a giant ash tree in Norse mythology said to support the world and the universe, and to be the creator
               io f humankind. It is known as the tree o f life. A t the base o f Yggdrasill's great trunk lie the wells o f wisdom and
               destiny.  The tree is a symbol o f strength and stability. Carrollton School o f the Sacred Heart creates women o f
               strength — women o f confidence and conviction in their beliefs. Like Yggdrasill, Carrollton graduates draw from the
               wells o f wisdom and destiny to help shape their futures and lead lives in accordance with the Five Goals o f Sacred
               Heart Education.

             Q n the & v m :  The Carrollton 50th Anniversary logo, created by Diana Brooks '87,  is the Carrollton signature heart in a five-fold design representing
                  ~  the five decades since Carrollton came to be, the five headmistresses who have served Carrollton, the five learning communities
                                             and the Five Goals o f Sacred Heart Education.
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