Page 18 - Carrollton 2012
P. 18
Car rdltcSTSchooI o f |fe S a gipsl Heartjpegan in l9 © lrB : its original inspiration; goes back several-months ‘priorto ope nine'
Id g v .J he founding o f Garrolltemisactually thefruit of a eonflu§nGe"of events whichJjfelped^ shfope the histof^ 3Hne*C^f
-o f Mfamianatne Society_ofj;he Sacred Heart both in the United Stated and in Cuba. Those events* tvhich*conveiged ,
. ..then, mayjppjA^eenjclSailSnd aOhnjgttegl'Jsut during the months in wPfifch they occurred, no...pme c8lil,dfnav^'f<j|etold<th©
^ltimgfeoutCom^ ^ h^^vCTts«rtyp1^%luQiriaeofthe^aered FUaftlivimg in Miamnnlh^Jate^SQ's and e a r l y t o e^Dioce^e o f M igpiijnd tsjtej»<pdl|ign of the Ralfglkus bjjthe Sacreo’Heart'from our schools in Havana and
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.jTig^jrrelh^ /® K *cA sa « f^lia m iJ^a s fowraji 'in 1956 when a <^qjgjbf^Masjrl?id^to divide Florida, andThe®ewly formecNj
olcfcSewaT ^b e in ^iS tfflrD ffn ^'C u l^T O n C a rro ll Wa?namedi:he ftfsrDtSFrop. It i^thfe bisnop's rdqp^rcibility ro DuilaancF
form the diocese. Bishop Carroll invited several religious congregations whom he knew to make foundations in Miami. The
Religious o f th'e Sacred Heart were among those invited.
Before this invitation could be issued, alumnae from Sacred Heart schools and colleges throughout the United States
who were living'iin Miarp'j wondered if there might be a chance to have a school o f the Sacred Heart in the new diocese.
Simultaneously, as the situation in Cuba worsened, the leadership o f the Society o f the Sacred Heart in Rome began
to plan; for the prObable^ioss o f schools and the subsequent need to re-locate the Religious. Sadly, such a step was not
the first time the Society o f the Sacred Heart faced probable expulsion due to unfriendly governments. As alumnae from
Cuba began to arrive in Miami, it was a question o f time when their desires for a school would unite with the desires o f the
American alumnae and begin to tug at the hearts o f the Religious o f the Sacred Heart.
All o f these factors converged when the schools in Cuba were finally confiscated and the religious escaped to Florida.
Greeting them was Reverend Mother Agnes Barry who represented the Vicars and Superior General o f the Society o f the
Sacred Heart. Bishop Carroll echoed the requests o f alumnae that a Sacred Heart School be founded in Miami as soon as
possible. And s® as all o f these people united in prayer, Mother Barry agreed to send a formal request to the Mother House
in Rome andfthe return telegram on July 13, 1961 simply said, "Oui."
Then the work began in earnest to find a proper home for the future o f the Sacred Heart in Miami. Assisted by Sacred
Heai;t.alumnae such as Mrs. O'Neil, Mrs. Ledo and Mrs. Hopgood, the Religious began a search for an appropriate
priofjerty for the school. Mother Malin Craig, treasurer o f the Vicariate, and Mother Clare McGowan, Director o f Studies,
joined Reverend Mother Barry and the work o f finding students and designing a program began.
.■0 Jardin became the absolute choice when Mother Barry saw the poem carved in the arches alongside the pool... O ne is
nearer G od's Heart in a garden than anywhere else on earth." Although classes in September were temporarily prevented
from occurring in El Jardin, neither lack o f the necessary financing nor the absence o f city authorization discouraged the
alumnae and religious. Classes proceeded in people s homes; and finally on November I, 1961 the C ity Commissioners
unanimously agreed that the El . Jardin. estate on Main Highway could become the site o f Carrollton School o f the Sacred
Heart. Classes Opened in El Jardin in January..
Since that time, Carrollton has mirrored the growth and evolution o f Miami. Today we enjoy a multi-lingual, multi-cultural
community o f students, parents and faculty from all over the w orld.jiike all o f the other Schools o f the Sacred Heart
worldwide, Carrollton focuses on the total education o f the student. Her spiritual, intellectual, physical and emotional
. growth remains at £he center o f the educational mission.