Page 14 - Carrollton 2012
P. 14
Table o f Contents Ik^reafts™
4 History o f Carrollton
6 I9 6 2 -1971 Timeline Senior Editor
8 Montessori School
'M fllgjJ^jK ditoF
J I 1972-1981 Timeline ISanTdlte ('& m Editor
34; Primaiy School ,%lpy SMgofie; Sports Editor
70 1982-1991 Timeline
Director o f Photography
7 2 Intermediate School
Junior H ighsS dhoolilm iw U
fclT O 1992-2001 Timeline
Junior High School Editor
Junior High School Daniela Fernandez
' 148 2002-2011 Timeline SaliirfaLiFaiya Junior High Schobf Editor •
150 High School Gabriela Bajjgndjfs Intermediate School Editor
20 6 Faculty, Staff and Administration
OarissalBargiiit^ Intermediate'.School Edito'r
214 Community, Celebrations and Traditions Andrea flalgadd Intermediate&hpdf Editor
2 5 0 Sports Cecilia Rodriguez Intermediate. School Editor
l U f Seniors Kadiryn Banks Advisor
3 6 8 Sponsors
Maria Fernandefz
SehpdJjArilj*]®’ ■
Maria Cristina Garcia '00 Director o f Alum nae Relations 1
L = r ----------_ Sandy Moore; Sales C oordij-jaterJ
The 2011-2012 Yearbook would not have been possible without the invaluable contributions ofthe following: Sister Suzanne Cooke, Sister ■
Margaret Seitz, Paola Consuegra, Dr. Susan Dempf Heather Gillingham-Rivas, Lourdes Wood, Reba Buckley, Margie Dawson, Ana Fajardo,
Patti Lyons, Joan McKee, Emily McKenzie, Hilda Novas, Denise Ortega, Debbie Rollheiser, Isabel Singletary, Dayana foledo,: L&Mna Alvarez-
Menendez 97, Elena Suarez Garcia-Montes 83, Leslie Jones '73, Cristina Mas '05, Sarah Whalen Mikel '65, and the parents who supported
their daughters participation in Yearbook. Additionally, we thank the many High School students who, though not enrolled ^Yearbook, "
volunteered their time and expertise.
Contributing Photographers
Digital Photogaphy students, for one topic of study, took photographs of school life which they contributed to the yearbook image bank.
Many ot these photographs are published in this yearbook with featured images credited to the photographer. The student photographem are:
Victoria Abinader, Anikke Albornoz, Isabella Almeida, Constanza Menendez Alurralde, Emily Ariz, Julia M e , Olivia Bjllard, Elizabeth Cabrerizo,
Jacqueline Castro, Natalia Cervoni, Grazie Christie, Kelsey Craythorne, Anne Marshall Criser, Sara Dwyer, Antonia Ferre, Katrina ©illliiilill,
Andrea Gonzalez-Mora, Michelle Haubold, Deborah Herington, Constanza Hirmas, Suzanne Hoskinson, Veronica Iglesias, Ciara Jones, Andrea
Luchsinger, Shelbj^nabowale, Melanie Palacios, Shelby Philips, Celine Polenghi, Isabella Poleo, Natali Rey, Ana: Kncon, sErriily Roberis,
CeSCa j m ' . -J .|'9 uez, 'J'jlia Rodriguez, Adriana Rovirosa, Luisa Soto, Julie Steinbauer, Maria Torrebiarte, Kenna Tunis, Rachel
Williams, and Monica Zorrilla. Also, we thank the parents, teachers, staff and administrators who generously contributed photographs to the
image bank with special recognition for: Caroline Caicedo, Maxine Cohn, Michael Cole, Paola Consuegra, Margie Dawsan^fciy McKenzie,
Nina Ubregon, Cristina Pelleya, Kari Snyder and Dayana Toledo.
Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart archives; The Society ofthe Sacred Heart:,,;
Saint MadeleineSophieHer Life and Letters by Margaret Williams, RSCJ; Philippine Duchesne Frontier Missionary o f the Sacred Heart by
Louise Callan, RSCJ; Journey ofthe Heart by the Network of Sacred Heart Schools; The Sacred Heart Experience: A Collection o f Messages
Irom the Headmistress - Red Envelope 2001-201 If ■■J , \ •
Printed by Walsworth Publishing Company
H Carrollton School ofthe Sacred Heart; 3747 Main Highway; Miami, FL 33133
Copyright 2011-2012