Page 31 - Carrollton 1998
P. 31
Primary Academics
Carrollton's Montessori and Pri ings of Jesus.
m ary program introduces the In the English classes, students
young student to a world of learn spend m any hours building up
ing. The program is designed so their writing skills with a strong
that the girls are exposed to the em p h a sis on g ra m m a r a n d
experience of working together. spelling. Speaking and listening
They are also able to express their are also highly en cou raged in
unique personalities b y b ein g these classes.
allow ed to learn a t their own The reading program further
p ace in an environm ent free of reinforces the m entioned skills
com petition. The program pro through the focus of books. Stu
motes the development of a well- dents are urged to use the Library
rounded individual even in the facilities. The Librarians m ake the
early stages of the student's life. task e v e n m ore e n jo y a b le b y
In M ontessori, stu d ents are including a story period w hich
ta u g h t b a sics in L a n g u a g e , th ey read to the students an d
M athem atics, Science, G eogra en co u rag e the girls com m ents
phy, and practical aspects of life after the story is over.
in general. Students develop a The m ath courses consist of the
strong in tellectu a l foundation c o n c e p ts of tim e, fra ctio n s,
along with spiritual growth. These m oney, division an d m ultiplica Above: Third graders Catie Lynch
tea ch in g s ta k e p la c e in d aily tion. Students' work is carried out and Katrina McLaughlin are all
prayers and religion classes. in both and written form. dressed-up for The Mass of the Holy
Spirit. Below: K indergartener
Prim ary a c a d e m ic s , w h ich Topics such as, w eather, the Andrea Gonzalez-Rebull washes-up
consists of first, second, and third hum an body, matter, plants and after painting.
grade, introduces the Carrollton anim als are all taught in Science
learning experience to young stu class. Students develop an under
dents. They are tau ght how to sta n d in g of scien tific w ork in
work together with their cla ss order to so lv e p ro b lem s. The
mates, but at the sam e time they classes explore how scien ce is
are encouraged to grow as indi related to everyday life.
viduals. The girls are brought up The S o cia l Stu d ies c la s s e s
as well rounded people, with the em phasize com m unity. Student
education of the Catholic religion learn about services the com mu
to reinforce their stability in years nity provides, and the need for
to come. rules and laws to uphold the com
In the study of religion, stu munity. They learn about Geog
dents are introduced to the sacra raphy, and History.
ments of the Catholic religion. In The know ledge that the girls
the second grade, the girls pre gain by taking part in these pro
pare to receive the Sacram ent of gram s encourages them to learn
R e co n cilia tio n a n d First Holy a n d set a fo u n d a tio n for th e
Communion. They are taught to beginning of an inspiring educa
understand how their lives are tion. This is som ething that will
enriched by the life an d tea ch help them for years to com e.
"When I grow up I want to be
...a teacher." ... a V eteri
... a n artist." - - K a r i n a n aria n ." . . . a F in an cial ... a jewelry per
... a movie star." Isadora Sepul- Pereira Da A m a n d a C onsultant." - son." -A vani
-Cctrolina Foster veda Cunha Bonvecchio Adriana Diez Sharma