Page 31 - Carrollton 1998
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Primary Academics

              Carrollton's Montessori and Pri­  ings of Jesus.
           m ary  program   introduces  the       In  the  English classes,  students
           young student to a  world of learn­  spend  m any  hours  building  up
           ing.  The  program  is  designed  so   their  writing  skills  with  a   strong
           that  the  girls  are  exposed  to  the   em p h a sis  on  g ra m m a r  a n d
           experience  of  working  together.   spelling.  Speaking  and  listening
           They are also able to express their   are  also  highly  en cou raged   in
           unique  personalities  b y   b ein g    these classes.
           allow ed   to  learn   a t  their  own   The  reading  program   further
           p ace  in  an   environm ent  free  of   reinforces  the  m entioned  skills
           com petition.  The  program   pro­   through  the  focus  of  books.  Stu­
           motes the development of a  well-    dents are urged to use the Library
           rounded  individual  even  in  the   facilities.  The Librarians m ake the
           early stages of the student's life.  task  e v e n   m ore  e n jo y a b le   b y
              In  M ontessori,  stu d ents  are   including  a   story  period  w hich
           ta u g h t  b a sics  in  L a n g u a g e ,   th ey  read   to  the  students  an d
           M athem atics,  Science,  G eogra­   en co u rag e  the  girls  com m ents
           phy,  and practical  aspects of  life   after the story is over.
           in  general.  Students  develop  a     The m ath courses consist of the
           strong  in tellectu a l  foundation   c o n c e p ts  of  tim e,  fra ctio n s,
           along with spiritual growth. These   m oney,  division  an d   m ultiplica­  Above:  Third  graders  Catie  Lynch
           tea ch in g s  ta k e  p la c e   in  d aily   tion.  Students'  work  is carried out   and  Katrina  McLaughlin  are  all
           prayers and religion classes.        in both and written form.           dressed-up for The Mass of the Holy
                                                                                    Spirit.  Below:  K indergartener
              Prim ary  a c a d e m ic s ,  w h ich    Topics  such  as,  w eather,  the   Andrea Gonzalez-Rebull washes-up
           consists of first,  second,  and third   hum an body,  matter,  plants and   after painting.
           grade,  introduces  the  Carrollton   anim als are all taught in Science
           learning experience to young stu­   class.  Students develop an  under­
           dents.  They  are  tau ght  how   to   sta n d in g   of  scien tific  w ork  in
           work  together  with  their  cla ss­  order  to  so lv e  p ro b lem s.  The
           mates,  but at the sam e time they   classes  explore  how   scien ce  is
           are  encouraged  to  grow  as  indi­  related to everyday life.
           viduals.  The  girls  are  brought  up   The  S o cia l  Stu d ies  c la s s e s
           as well rounded people,  with the   em phasize  com m unity.  Student
           education of the Catholic religion   learn about  services  the  com mu­
           to reinforce their stability in years   nity  provides,  and   the  need  for
           to come.                            rules and  laws to uphold the com ­
             In  the  study  of  religion,  stu­  munity.  They  learn  about  Geog­
           dents are introduced to the sacra­  raphy,  and History.
           ments  of  the  Catholic  religion.  In   The  know ledge  that  the  girls
           the  second  grade,  the  girls  pre­  gain  by taking part in  these  pro­
           pare to receive  the  Sacram ent  of   gram s  encourages  them   to  learn
           R e co n cilia tio n   a n d   First  Holy   a n d   set  a   fo u n d a tio n   for  th e
           Communion.  They  are  taught  to   beginning of an  inspiring educa­
          understand  how  their  lives  are   tion.  This  is  som ething  that  will
          enriched  by  the  life  an d   tea ch ­  help them  for years to com e.

                              "When I grow up I want to be

                                                ...a  teacher."   ...  a   V eteri­
                             ...  a n   artist."  -   - K a r i n a  n aria n  ."   . . . a   F in an cial   ... a  jewelry per­
           ...  a  movie star."   Isadora  Sepul-   Pereira   Da   A m a n d a  C onsultant."  -   son."   -A vani
          -Cctrolina Foster   veda             Cunha           Bonvecchio      Adriana Diez       Sharma
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