Page 32 - Carrollton 1998
P. 32

Lbove: This group of first graders prepare their songbooks to sing aw ay in
  heir  Music  class.  Right:  Michelle  Cour-Reuss  lines-up  her  numbers  in
  Itscending order on her towel in the Montessori classroom.

  hbove:  Third  grader  Krista  Rios,  first  grader  Elise  Fernandez,
  pnd  second  grader  Camila  Bravo  show  their  support  for  'the
  hampions.' Right:  These first and second grade girls have not
  prgotten their Sacred Heart roots.
                                                                                Left:  Molly  Nuell and  Laura Rodriguez
                                                                                are eager to start off another day in the
                                                                                Montessori.  Below:  Taylor  Bjerke smiles
                                                                                for  the  cam era  while working  on  the
                                                                                computer in the Montessori classroom.
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