Page 34 - Carrollton 1998
P. 34
Stephanie A rencibia
Ju lia Baldino
Daniella Colom a
M ichelle Court-Ruess
A v a Gettinger
Chiara Giberti
Sophie Hornby
A nna Hoskinson
(To the far left) Peanut Alvarez-Mena
and Ashley Craythome anticipate a
fun day at Conge.
(Above) The lower class attentively
watches the senior skit.
(To the left) Daniella Coloma is
exhausted at the end of Conge.
M argaret M as
A lexandra King-Shaw
Virginia M cM ahon
A ndrea McRostie
A lexandra Morales
Bailey Mullins
Sam anth a Osio
M arian na Pita
Laura Rodriguez
G eorgia Shubin
N ina Vorobiev
Jennifer Wilde
Left: Andria Codina and her princess
es pose for a picture during Conge.